Act of God.
nice one TIG
There you go TIG - using LOGIC. Love it.
You have the gift of putting your mind to pixels TIG, I totally agree but not able to articulate it as well as you.
I don't have a ton of time to spend on this but I think some of what you said has some need to be explained.
All processes create waste -- this is the way we tell if something is valuable, by how rare it is.
Faith is valuable because it is rare, and moreso to God because he knows how truly rare it is.
Just because a process generates waste does not mean it is a bad process so long as it returns value... this is essentially the process of human history from God's POV IMO.
He does not get involved unless one of his people are involved -- at that point it would be no different than you watching out for your family. But more than that God has a flare for making points -- he likes to punctuate his words with a very clear sign to make sure people get the point.
So to sum up:
- God finds value in things precious to him because of their rarity.
- God acts to protect those valued things and excludes/destroys worthless things.
- God takes out the garbage periodically to clear the way for new growth and order.
You yourself engage in very similar behavior -- does this make you a bully? When you kill a bug are you evil? What makes the bugs life any less meaningful than yours?
I'll leave off with recommending Mathew chapter 7 as some good reading for this subject.
Jason. -
BUT Jason
, your argument seems to suggest that God does just what he wants, and doesn't care about the consequences for us here on the ground - he just wants 'faith' like a junkie wants H !
BUT he's the guy who set the whole system up, so knows how little/much faith there will be in HIS system.
And you suggest that then God simply 'throws away' the trash [us ?]... which he doesn't see as somehow 'worthy'. [He KNEW it wouldn't be worthy when he started - otherwise what's the use of being omniscient?]
BUT then... OK, if that's the way he works I can't do much about it... but I'll be buggered if I'll 'worship' him, as I really can't see how he deserves it at all, given your outline. -
That's your interpretation, and an extreme one it is...
Whenever you are building anything you expect waste, you even plan for it. So yes I do believe he knows who will respond and who will not from before the beginning and chose to pursue the creation for the sake of the few who would return love.
Value is a completely arbitrary thing, one mans trash is another mans treasure.
It's your decision whether you are trash or treasure to God -- and that is the only decision that matters... everything else is "Vanity" as Solomon says.
Jason. -
The Big Dealer, Peoples opium.
’Jeff H’. Wrote: „[so i guess god controls my beliefs?
or are you saying he (why a he anyway? he has a penis or something?).. or are you saying he controls everything except wether or not i believe he's real?..]”God controls everything, but He enable us to choose, He do not imposes us what we must commit...!
We are not predestined, but we have the freedom to select, so we are responsible for our decisions. The threat of freedom and our happiness comes not from the sovereignty of God, but from sin and from our desire to act independently of God. When Adam decided to do only what he wants, he lost his freedom. To do what we want, apart from God, is slavery ...Re. sexual organs of a spiritual being, it is too childish... You (J.H.) have to rethink...
@jason_maranto said:
So yes I do believe he knows who will respond and who will not from before the beginning and chose to pursue the creation for the sake of the few who would return love.
So humanity's a masturbation toy? I feel defiled.
‘Alan F’ wrote: “[. Because if he (God) does control everything that happens in nature then he can just as easily prevent catastrophes as cause them...he can micromanage who lives and who dies.]”
Yes Alan, our lives are in Creator’s hand, and He “can micromanage who lives and who dies”.
He can, of course, accept/prevent/limit... all catastrophes, and so on, because He is Omniscient, is Almighty, is Omnipresent... -
‘Marian’ wrote: He (God) finds many silly things inacceptable and many horrendous things acceptable.”
Poor thinker, do not be ridiculous! Teach you God, ‘wise guy’, how to behave...?!!
Marian, you have not realized that I talked about true God, not about the one you imagined... -
right....true god. Then at least he's not the Christian god, that one has almost nothing to do with truth.
I have the feeling there exist only believers in the world. Some believe they know and some believe they don't know and search.
Some have demonstrated that belief can not be fully and logically understood and "known". So what, otherwise it wouldn't be "belief"?
Why do things happen that are not good for for people?@unknownuser said:
God does just what he wants
If we understood why the universe/God/Gods/fortune/nature condone things that appear with no doubt evil in the short term, then we would have to know what the intention is in the long term. My mind doesn't claim to have an answer.
For me now is the time to quit the discussion as it's getting silly on both sides.
Voila Solo’s wrong interpretation: “[Yet God condones slavery.]”
I said that a person, rather to serve/obey God, chooses slavery..., without realizing it!
‘TIG’, in your dissertation on page 2, you actually treated God as a superman...
I am not ‘Marian’ or 'jason_m', to be fooled by such philosophy...
@unknownuser said:
‘TIG’, in your dissertation on page 2, you actually treated God as a superman...
I am not ‘Marian’ or 'jason_m', to be fooled by such philosophy...
'Cornel', that's some solid 'reasoning'.