Component parts disappearing
Hello Forum,
Attempting to create metal piece components for welding projects. Have created a few Angle Iron pieces, but then I created one with a 45 degree slice on one end from one of the previous components and saved it as a different component.
Problem is when I delete the previous components it also deletes parts from the new component. Does one have to create a component from scratch without saving it till it is completed?Lot of work having to redo.
Thanks in advance for an explanation.
Hi, IronLogic:
If I understand your concern correctly, try this:
If you have created a component, and you wish to make a different component based on the original, make a copy with Move+Control. Then right click on the new copy, select from the context menu "Make Unique". Edit this new unique component as you wish. It will have no effect on the others. -
Thank you for the reply mitcorb,
I made the copy of the component & made it unique. It was added to the outliner with a # instance. Tried to rename it via the Outliner dialog box, but it would add my name to the name already there. I then renamed it in the Entity Info dialog box and the name in the Outliner showed up fine.
Thanks for the help.
And the description of what you did in your reply is yet another lesson, or reminder for me. So, Thank you.