What has cost over 65,000 lives and $1trillion?
I recently read that the Iraq war will have cost 65000 (60,000 Iraqis and 5,000 Americans) lives and $1,000,000,000,000!(Edited: Added 000)
Can anyone tell me what has this huge price delivered? I'm am not trying to be smart, just pragmatic!
I genuinely cannot see that much has been gained that could not have been gained with far less cost in human loss and wasted money on bombs etc.
Surely, if these human resources and cash were put to use more productively in a non military use the human race as a whole would be much further down to road to World Peace and resource sustainability?
Any thoughts?
Well, that trillion dollars had to go somewhere. Think of the people that it was paid to - their lives are now much better during these tough economic times. That trillion dollars helped them make their house and car payments, feed their children, etc. Yes, I would definitely say that those 5 to 10 people that got that trillion dollars truly are much better of because of the war.
PS that was more of a comic relief than a perfect reflection of the author's feelings or beliefs.
How many lives, the economical chaos that's coming, will cost?
I'm not trying to be smart also, just asking.
What happened in Iraq is ridiculous.
Should we remember the nonsenses of Mr Brair and Mr Bush?
I recommend to forget them. As they never existed. They didn't. I like to be as bad as possible here. No mercy! Delete them. -
But hey! at least we won right?
Isn't an American trillion different from a European trillion? Less zeroes in the American.
Is is that a myth?
Not sure if that's a joke or not, but I do notice that Mike's trillion is short 3 zeros.
hundred, thousands, millions, billions, trillions:
should be 12 zeros.
Pete, was there ever any question that the USA were not going to win? I don't think so. I still have the horrid memory of seeing the initial strikes at Baghdad on TV. It was like a sick video game. I just thought, 'WTF!'.
Yes Chris, I missed '000', added now.
I think the figure we should be more concerned about is the 65,000 people that are not here now also the many US and Iraqi people that have been left scarred and incapacitated.
Just imagine what could have been achieved if this money was invested in
R&D! I think we would be much further down the road to sustainable energy BUT again that was not on the agenda of the Oil Moguls behind the war!The way these stats are being trotted out in such casual manner and being accepted by the general public is sickening.
30,000,000 free people? that has a cost too high? I swear if the world were faced with Hitler or an Imperial Japan or a Soviet Union today you people wouldn't have the balls to do anything but bend over... I fear for the future when man will not give up life and fortune for the liberty of his fellow man. quite a selfish stance for a supposedly giving time a of year.
don't bother replying I won't be back to this thread to read them. I'm sure this will soon devolve into the America bashing party it normally does... all the while those same individuals who live under the protection of and are provided the glorious freedoms it offers therein.
I'll leave you with this thought... where would you be today and where will you be tomorrow if there was not an America? if you're British you'd be speaking German, if you live in the eastern part of the world you'd be speaking Japanese... who will fight the dictators when America is gone? who fights them now? who lays their blood and treasure at the altar of freedom?
1 China 1,339,724,852
2 India 1,210,193,422
3 United States 312,810,000
4 Indonesia 237,641,326
5 Brazil 190,755,799
6 Pakistan 178,143,000
7 Nigeria 162,471,000
8 Russia 142,914,136
9 Bangladesh 142,319,000
10 Japan 127,760,000the top ten most populous countries in the world? tell me who? tell me who fights for liberty and how much of your time do you spend bitching about what these nations do? none? I swear it's like you're on the other side.
all I can say is I hope the world is not full of people like you when you live under the rule of a murderous dictator. nevermind... it's like talkin to a wall...
You're an idiot. And that's putting it mildly.
That's some opinion you've got Kris. Shame you don't want to defend it.
I hate to break it to you Kris but the old myth of the USA 'saving' Great Britain is well past it's sell-by date...even amongst gung-ho Americans.
Hitler gave up all plans of marching down Whitehall after the failure of the Battle of Britain and the cancellation of Operation Sealion in September 1940. Just to remind you that that's well over a year before the USA decided to join the party...and it didn't join to save us, it joined because it had no choice...Germany and Japan declared war on you, not the other way round, remember? So much for sallying forth to save the world for democracy.
Given that GB maintained its air superiority and totally outclassed Germany in naval strength, exactly how would we have ended up speaking German? Any attempted amphibious landings would have resulted in complete slaughter...which is why Sealion was abandoned.
By the time America entered the war, Hitler had already sealed Germany's fate by initiating Operation Barbarossa and invading Russia 6 months earlier. After that it was only a matter of time. The Russians don't even call it WWII; it was the Great Patriotic War...everything else was a sideshow. And given the sacrifices made by them (26 million dead) there is at least some justification in that point of view.
Hell, US forces didn't even make up the majority of those that hit the beaches on D Day, much less do it single-handed. You just shout about it more than anyone else.
Try learning some history from somewhere other than Fox or Hollywood.Your analysis if Iraq is as dumb as that of WWII.
For the uninformed.
"None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free."
--Johann Wolfgang von Goethe[edit] oh.. that's aimed at you, the 'free' american⦠not these 30million newly freed iraqis (wtf?
@mike lucey said:
I recently read that the Iraq war will have cost 65000 (60,000 Iraqis and 5,000 Americans) lives and $1,000,000,000,000!(Edited: Added 000)
Can anyone tell me what has this huge price delivered? I'm am not trying to be smart, just pragmatic!
I genuinely cannot see that much has been gained that could not have been gained with far less cost in human loss and wasted money on bombs etc.
Surely, if these human resources and cash were put to use more productively in a non military use the human race as a whole would be much further down to road to World Peace and resource sustainability?
Any thoughts?
They got what they wanted, Mike.
To me it's as obvious as the nose on your face....
How about that. I just started watching your video Jeff, thanks! 30 seconds in there it is.... OIL.
I now know why this area is called the corner bar, because if you stay long enough you're bond to see or be apart of a fight in some way shape or form!
Or just offer a 'pragmatic' POV.....