Explode all components
Hi there, i am looking for a way to explode all the components in a model.
I tried using bomb.rb but it freezes my model with around 400+ components/groups
Is there any other way of doing this without doing it manually?
Basically, the program has to do what it has to do...although sometimes it seems to take much longer about it than other programs...even something like simply selecting complex raw geometry (100,000 faces plus).
Exploding/grouping is one of those operations. You'll probably find that it hasn't actually frozen, but just doing it much slower than you'd like. I tend to time such operations to just before I'm ready for a coffee, taking the dog for a walk or about to have lunch. I've seen it 'hang'for half an hour or more...but eventually do the business. -
d0n, Alan it right. I loaded 400 components into a file and ran a script to iterate through the file and explode them and it took 3+ hours. I tried Bomb.rb and I thought it was amazingly quick until I descovered that it didn't explode the embeded components also so you may have to run it several times. If you attempt to do anything while the plugin is running, you will get the "not responding" indications and win7 equivalent of the "hour glass" but that doesn't mean the plugin isn't working.
I folks.
Some quick testing showed me that exploding a lot of components takes some time. The time vs number of components seems to be an exponential curve.
So for example, the time required to explode 1000 components will be a lot longer than doing 5 exploding of 200 components at once.
It is also a good idea of saving the file before doing such a manoeuver. That way, if you get impatient, you can kill the process and start over with a more modest selection.
Just ideas.
Usually Bomb works but it does take forever. SU probably didn't freeze permanently. If you left it alone long enough it would probably eventually come alive again. In my experience it's one of the few times when manually exploding seems faster. Whether it's ACTUALLY faster or just seems that way because you have more control I don't know.
Hi guys,
Glad to have found this post, it has reassured me!
Ive been trying to explode all the components in my model and waited an hour and a half still to only see "sketch up not responding" so glad to know it is working and is just going to take a long time!!
I seem to have 6652 component instances and 366 component definitions
I select all and explode until all brackets are gone... doesn't take but maybe 10 explodes. I mean who has 10 level deep components?
Don't all expode in one time!
Make several selections!