Colour Problems
I have been having a problem with Sketch Up ever since I have started using it. When you put colour over other colours i end up with one of the colours breaking up. At the moment I am tracing a road, I have attached a screen shot. I have also had the same problem with drawing in 3D. If any one could help me that would be much appreciated.
Hi, for what I can see it must be z-fighting: you have two stacked surfaces sharing the same space.
What I guess here is that you are tracing the road on a face inside a group or on an image entity. This is natural as it looks like. As you trace, SU is creating its own faces with the default material on. As massimo says, it is Z-fighting: the image and the new faces try to display and SU cannot decide.
You can do two things here:
- Explode the group/image - and when you are drawing now, it is the face that you are dividing with edges and it will "remain" textured with that image material
- After you drew your faces, select all (triple click on a face) > sample the projected material from the image (if it is a face with material on it inside a group) with the Alt+Paint tool and apply it on the selected faces. Now everything will look nice
- 3rd of the 2 solutions: Don't bother yourself with the whole thing until you finish and you will have and easy life. You can always modify those faces later.