Any Cinema 4D users here?
Final questions.
Are you able to export to C4D from SketchUp?
Does it work well, and in which format?
Thanks -
@dale said:
Final questions.
Are you able to export to C4D from SketchUp?
Does it work well, and in which format?
ThanksI have not tried yet, I am still on the absolute basics. Will need to stop learning this week as I have an urgent project (the hot potato job given to the foriegner over Thanksgiving)
Thearender inside C4D (in the Oven)[flash=560,315:1t0b68bl][/flash:1t0b68bl]
I know...DROOL!!!
@solo said:
I have not tried yet, I am still on the absolute basics. Will need to stop learning this week as I have an urgent project (the hot potato job given to the foriegner over Thanksgiving)
hey wait.. that's the best time to learn a new app..
refuse to open the app(s) you already know then be prepared to not sleep for 4 days.. on day 5, you'll be decently familiar with the new one
c4d-user is here
- same guys and several from made maxon's tip&tricks at youtube
Pilou, i like lwo export from moi to c4d
It's more also for Modo, or Blender but why not!