SKM load with API ?
Sorry if this has been discussed before but I didn't find anything on this: can a ruby script (or is there a method to) load a skm material, or a whole library of materials in the current model ?
Any help appreciated. -
Ain't no such thing.
Though I think TIG was hacking together something...
Thanks for the reply TT ! -
Find my SKMtools...
these allows you to import and export SKM files, and lots more...
To process a folder of SKM filess you find all of the SKM files and import each one in turn...
Something like this [assuming you have a path to a 'folder']...
Dir.entries(folder).each{|file| SKM.import(File.join(folder, file)) if File.extname(file).downcase==".skm" }
That was the name of it. I tired to search SKM, but the forum skips anything less than four characters long:
Thanks TIG, I was sure you had the solution ! (but didn't remember your SKM Tools )