Extrude from imported DWG file
Assuming that all of the lines are 'flat' [coplanar] you need to add faces.
You can try redrawing over an edge in the set of lines and see it that makes a face form...
You can select them and use a Find-Face tool.
There's one in the Plugins examples and several other too [see the Plugins Index].
Once you have the faces you use PushPull as desired.If the lines won't take a face because they are not coplanar then 'flatten' them.
Again there are several tools to do this BUT if you raise the set of edges [grouped] above a new larger rectangular face [grouped] and use the native Sandbox Drape Tool it should make a flat version on the rectangle - erase the bits you no longer need and tr PushPull again... -
Also, you can draw a big rectangle around the whole structure, select all, right click and intersect... selected. If the edges are all co-planar and form closed loops (and there is no stray geometry), this should also create the faces and you only need to delete the perimeter of the rectangle and the face bits in what's supposed to be holes (this practically equals to TIG's suggestion about the drape tool)
I don't found Find-Face tool.
Can you give me a link please? -
The 'Utility' tools that ship with SUp include 'Create Face' - you need to activate these from the Preferences > Extensions dialog; you then get an item under menu Tools > Utilities.
Alternatively there are other tools...
Plugins Index > 'AddFaces' [TIG]
[note you also need to get 'progressbar.rb' for this tool] -
@tig said:
The 'Utility' tools that ship with SUp include 'Create Face' - you need to activate these from the Preferences > Extensions dialog; you then get an item under menu Tools > Utilities.
Alternatively there are other tools...
Plugins Index > 'AddFaces' [TIG]
[note you also need to get 'progressbar.rb' for this tool]thx.