Where do downloads go?
Hello, all, new here...just selected a plugin for download...do I have to pick it up somewhere on the site? Thanks in advance
Your browser should ask you where you download the file to.
If not your browser's preferences specify the folder the downloads are in...
Open the download folder and the downloaded file will be there.
If it's a .rb/.rbs file move it into Sketchup's Plugins folder.
If it's a .zip/.rar archive it contains a set of files and subfolders containing other helper files; you need to use a application that extracts these, then move them into Sketchup's Plugins folder.
When you restart Sketchup the new tool will become available - you need to read the tool's download page instructions to find how the tool is used - many appear in the Plugins menu BUT many are Extensions that need to be activated under Preferences, or work from View>Toolbars, or the context-menu etc etc...
Also follow the tool's instructions and get any supporting files that it will link you to too... -
Got it...thanks for the help, TIG