Rezidual EndPoints on welded edges - bug or normal ?
I often see some kind of nodes, smaller than End Points, on welded edges or arcs obtained by drawing an arc over a exploded set of edges. The line gets selected all, but somewhere on it I can see those small marks, as the lone would break in that pont...
Is it a bug, am I doing something wrong ?Thanks.
Any chance you have a model you could provide that does this? Also, does it tend to happen on CAD imported drawings?
My guess is that this has to do with the points not matching up to the arc that you drawing over the top or something. I never ever ever ever draw over the top of existing geometry because there is no guarantee that the geometry will line up. Just because it looks really close, does not mean that SketchUp will thin it is identical.
One way you can test if it is a small endpoint is to open the entity info window and drag a selection box around the offending endpoint. See if you end up selecting anything.
Select those two parts you want to Weld into one curve.
Right-click context-menu > Explode Curve, so it all becomes separate edges.
Immediately use Weld with the highlighted segments and it welds into one curve again... -
@unknownuser said:
Immediately useWeld with the highlighted segments and it welds into one curve again...
Could someone explain where to find this "WELD" tool and how it differs from the common "Make a Group" command? Is it a Plugin? Thanks.
' has nothing to do with 'Group
In Sketchup there are Edges [aka 'lines'] - sometimes these are made 'bound' into 'Curves' - typically 'Arcs', or a fully looped 'Arc' which is then called a 'Circle'.
However, any collection of Edges bound end-to-end can become a 'Curve'.
A Curve is identified by the way it extrudes with PushPull into a form with 'smoothed' arises.
There are some specific scripts to make special 'Curves' like Beziers...
A long time ago Rick Wilson made a tool that takes a collection of such Edges and makes a Curve out of them [if it can].
It is called**weld.rb**
It is installed as a script that you put into the Plugins folder.
On restart you get the tool 'Weld' that will make preselected Edges into a Curve...
Many tools require Curves to be selected for them to work - if these are not 'out-of-the-box' Arcs then you need to 'weld
' them - e.g. Chris Fullmer's 'ShapeBender' or many of my 'EEby...' tools...Oh, yeah...
is freely available from [use Find > weld] ...An indispensable tool for any serious Sketchupper...