Scale non-uniform along vector?
I think what you want to do is to first get the transformation of the group/component. Then set the transformation just like you have done there. Then multiply the original transformation by the new one. That will apply your vector one to the existing one. Then set that transformation as the active transformation. Code looks something like this:
gc = your_group_or_component gc_t = gc.transformation xscale = 1.0 yscale = 2.0 zscale = 1.0 t = Geom::Transformation.scaling [0,0,0], xscale, yscale, zscale new_t = gc_t*t gc.transformation = new_t
That is working for me.
Hi Chris!
Thank you for the code-snippet. So this is what do you call it, objects "local" scaling?
It might actually work! If doing some tests to see if the "local" x,y,z is on the provided vector direction. The vector will always be perpendicular 90 deg. somehow to the group.
I will do some tests to see if it can be incorporated in my script.
Thank you!
I'm a little confused by what you mean by scaling along a vector. Is the vector a "local" x,y, or z vector to the component? There is another simple method to apply a transformation. Look at this idea. This takes the existing transformation and makes a temp transformation matrix that is 3 times longer along its y axis. Then it sets the component to use that transformation - effectively scaling it 3 times on its y axis.
` gc = my_group_or_component
gc_t = gc.transformation
temp_t = gc_t.to_a
temp_y = temp_t[5]
temp_t[5] = 3*
gc.transformation = temp_t`So you can also just use that approach. Its similar to the other way sort of.
Ah yes. Why scale along vector? I'll try to explain as good as I can.
There will be an Edge selection on a face that will become the vector(edge.start to edge.end). And the 2d group which scaling will be performed on is glued to the face as well. The scaling will be perpendicular to the edge.
So If the face is "off" Global axis or the 2d group is rotated 90 deg, normal axis scaling won't work.Will have a look on your new code. Might be a better alternative.
Thanks again.
FYI... there are two class methods for transforms that take a vector (not sure if they do non-uniform scaling, you'll have to experiment.)
Geom::Transformation.translation( vec )
and vec ) -
Your other option would be to temporarily apply a rotation tranform, and align the group or component with the global axes, apply a non-uniform scaling tranformation, then apply the inverse of the previous rotational tranform.
Hm no. Don't know what I was thinking... Back to square 1.. There are a lot of holes in my method needs filling in.
Need at least to multiply with excisting transformation, as Chris has shown. Will have to take a better look at the second method he provided, or maybe Dan's suggestions if something better don't come up..
Edited: I realize now, what I said about scaling along vector was a bit difficult to understand. I meant scaling along one of the local x,y,z axis IF any of them are perpendicular to the vector(edge).
Thanks Dan. Appreciate it.
I have looked at the API. Can't get the comments working so I miss out a few "goodies" there I think..
But as far as I have gotten, scaling Non-uniformly takes 4 arguments. Orgin, scale x, scale y, scale z.
You second advice would have to be plan "B". I have thought of doing something like that, but I'll try to avoid it cause there is plenty of transformations done before the group is even on the face.
I'm working on a method (Cris code gave me an idea)that might possibly work. Just need to retrieve the group local x,z,y axis? If I can.. This is what I have got so far. Could probably use a case method...
You pass in the group, scaling, and vector. Where vector=(edge.start.vector_to(edge.end))def vec_scale(group, scaling, vector) #vector need to be parallel or perpendicular or scaling wont work. ##TRANS- and Center#### gents=group.entities bbox=group.bounds group_x=group.transformation.xaxis group_y=group.transformation.yaxis group_z=group.transformation.zaxis if group_x.perpendicular? vector xscale = scaling else xscale = 1 end if group_y.perpendicular? vector yscale = scaling else xscale = 1 end if group_z.perpendicular? vector zscale = scaling else zscale = 1 end t = Geom;;Transformation.scaling(bbox_c, xscale, yscale, zscale) gents.transform_entities(t, gents.to_a)#Normaly you apply t to group. But I need to do it to entities. end
You should know that IF the DynamicComponents extension is loaded, it adds some methods for
instance objects.for Group and ComponentInstance:
local_transformation() scaled_size() unscaled_size()
for ComponentInstance ONLY:
# works like Group.copy()
and for DC ComponentInstances ONLY:
set_last_size(lenx,leny,lenz) last_scaling_factors()
Edit: Think the method works now
Not 100% tested in all angles yet. Changed my code in previous post.
Oops. Sorry Dan, must have typed while you post your message.
Your info: Really? Did not have a clue about that. Thats is good news for further developpment. Thank you.
Ah typical
. Too early to celebrate.. It doesent work of axis= face tilted.
Get strange new error no implicit conversion to float from nil
I guess group_x=group.transformation.xaxisis only gonna work if the group is aligned to global axis. Therefore when tilted it has nothing=nil??
is returning the vector of the component's local x axis. It should never return nil I don't think. I can't play with your code at the moment, but maybe later today I can test it out.
You should note that its possible/normal? for 2 vectors to perpendicular to the one you're testing against. So it will scale in 2 directions, not just one (I think).
gt=group.transformation og=gt.origin xa=gt.xaxis ya=gt.yaxis
Use a rotation transformation about og and za by the angle_between xa and vector ?
Then do a scaling transformation along the xaxis only to match (vector.length / groupX.bounds.width) [where you have used add_instance on group.entities.parent [==definition] temporarily added to the face.parent.entities, at the origin with no further transformation as groupX ?]
Then invert the rotation transformation...
All done ? -
@unknownuser said:
is returning the vector of the component's local x axis
So it IS the local axis we are dealing with here. Since the scaling is only working on Global axis I persumed it wasen't. Thats good then(hopefully).
@unknownuser said:
You should note that its possible/normal? for 2 vectors to perpendicular to the one you're testing against. So it will scale in 2 directions, not just one
Uh oh
That's NOT good! I will do some further testing to se if it fails.
Thanks for all your help.
Hello TIG. I typed when your answer came in. Bad timing today
Will try your code and report back. Looks interesting.
Thanks a million!!
I'm not sure I quite understand where to use you code, TIG. When Importing the component definition?
That could be difficult in this case...
This particular tiling is in it's own method. In the plugin there are other "tiling" methods. So cannot do any altering to the component def. before calling the method of choice. Unless I rewrite the definition loader-method. Could be done of course..In your code: vector.length / groupX.bounds.width. Is that to determine the scale?
The way this feature will work in the plugin, is that the USER determin number of rows, some code like: edge.length/numbers of rows to determin groupX.bounds.width.
So I'll add that part to your code-snippet?
Edited. Changed some info to clarify things, it's not good to write topics saturday nights
I think Chris was right about conflicts i vectors(Edge can be perpendicular to 2 axes of course).
So I've scrapped that code..
See if I can incorporate TIG's code, and see if it works. I think I get the idea of it.
@unknownuser said:
or za=xa.cross(ya)]
Use a rotation transformation about og and za by the angle_between xa and vector ?
Then do a scaling transformation along the xaxis only to match (vector.length / groupX.bounds.width) [where you have used add_instance on group.entities.parent [==definition] temporarily added to the face.parent.entities, at the origin with no further transformation as groupX ?]
Then invert the rotation transformation...
All done ?Is it that this code is to be used when comp.definition( or group) is at Origin=flat on "ground"?
Cause I get some funky results.. Havent tried "hard" yet. Will elaborate more after lunch....I've tried something like this where vector is edge:
gt=group.transformation og=gt.origin xa=gt.xaxis ya=gt.yaxis za=@face.normal #@face=reference to the face.selection za=xa.cross(ya) #?? x_to_vec=xa.angle_between vector tr1=Geom;;Transformation.rotation(og, za, x_to_vec)#req. rotation angle group.transform!(tr1) ts = Geom;;Transformation.scaling(og, scaling, 1, 1) group.transform!(ts) tr=tr1.invert! group.transform!(tr)
This special kind of tiling method will not take any rotation(angle) other than 90.degrees as an argument. The group(hatches) will always have to be perpendicular to the edge.
the group is from its untransformed bounds [from a temporary instance of it added to the face.parent.entities].
You know how long the 'edge' is [edge.length] so you can work out the ratio of the two values...
Now you can use that to scale the group.entities with a scaling-transformation along the xaxis only... and thereby the original group is scaled as needed.
Erase the temporary instance of the group to tidy up...