As I alway use Intersect with surfaces, I never notice before today that if you select groups or/and components then intersect with model/selection ,the result is an independent intersection made of segments.
See attatchments.
The geometry made by the intersection is always created in the current-context - so if you edit a group and select-all and then use intersect-with-model, the new geometry is added inside the group... but if you do the same operation but in the context containing the group, with the group selected, then the new geometry is added to the current-context and not the group's entities. It's logical...
I your case you wouldn't want the geometry inside the instance because it'd then repeat in every copy in an unrelated way - if each of your blocks were a separate group then it'd be no issue, and intersecting them whilst editing each one would be OK -
Yes I know that and use it a lot.
I think it can be useful to get this intersection separate to create new geometry to connect two volumes.
I used to redraw this intersection by hand to get this, if I'd know!