Plugins that install with Sketchup
I wonder if anyone could tell me which plugins are installed with a basic Sketchup installation, before we start filling one's plugins folder. a screenshot will do, preferably from a mac but even from a windows version will help. thanks.
Hi, Edson:
One of them may be Sketchup.rb, I am not sure, but, I think the Google Sketchup Help pages have some information on this? -
Most of the Sketchup 'scripts' that come as standard - like 'skethcup.rb' - are located in the 'Tools' folder. This includes the 'extensions' and 'langauge-handler' scripts, and the 'DC' and 'Sandbox' stuff too...
In the base-set that comes in Plugins there is a set of 'Examples' scripts in a subfolder of that name - with 6 example scripts like 'linetool.rb' and 'box.rb' - these are made as 'extensions' and need to be activated - these are setup by 'examples.rb' that's found inside Plugins
There is also a 'Utilities' subfolder containing the 'utilitiestools.rb' extension if it's activated - this is setup by 'utilities.rb' that's found inside Plugins.
There's also an 'Ocean' subfolder and its file setup by the Plugins's 'ocean_extension.rb', which again needs to be activated...
This base set of 'plugins' does not add any tools to the Plugins menu, so a virgin installation will not display a Plugins menu until at least one other 3rd party script is loading that is coded to display there.