Trouble Brewing
I also thought 'Castle Eden Brewery'... and not 'Hartlepool on a Saturday just after the Pubs close!' as I found when I opened the thread...
Another great render - BUT I do prefer Voysey to 'urban-warfare'... -
@leedeetee said:
Love it! And the photo of yourself in the background!
Great. I won't be able to look at another one of his renders without getting a mental image in my head.
John, what kind of trucks are those? I feel this scene is modeled after an important event in history but I can't figure out what. The London riots a few weeks ago perhaps?
Lee, I knew you would think beer! TIG, it could well be Church Street every Saturday night. "BUT I do prefer Voysey to 'urban-warfare" me too! Bletchley Park Mansion next in a day or two after I finish up here. John, they are "loosely" based on the Saracen armored vehicle, and the factory was recycled from the C.M.E.W. thread.
John -
Great render.
Whats dude in the background running from?
His wardrobe?
Jesus John. If my boss see's your prolific beauties I'll be on the streets!
Slow down. Do some really bad ones.
Actually no. Keep them coming. -
"The Celts, a fearless people whose warriors were known to run naked into battle."
Great work John. Reminded me of a possible Northern Ireland scene in the past. Thankfully not these days.
Yes, the naked man! What's the story with this guy? Maybe this will be a trend, slipping in not expected items?
I'm confused ... what's the fuzz about 'naked guy'.
Weren't you the guys who originally invented streaking ?
Anyway, great picture !
Thanks everyone. Dale your jobs safe!
Maybe the husband returned early after walking the dog!!
"whats the story of the bloke"
Every time I render an image I have to put a frog in it for the grandaughter (thus the avatar), the wife says I'm daft. So I put the streaker in for her (the fatter half/better half), she doubted I would post it.