How to import a scanned plan
ok so i saw a tutorial on how a guy took an image of a pan and imported it to SU then scaled it so that he cud work with it... now i understood everything there except for one tiny detail how do i get the pic into SU... maybe im just being a noob
but yea would be nice to know ^^
Go to File > Import and under the import options window, select "all supported image types" in the pulldown menu at the bottom. On the right, you will see three radio buttons: as image, as texture and as photomatch image. Select whichever you need (either of the first two) and there you go.
I would import as an image - then scale it - finally explode the image (although this is not ultimately necessary)
First check the main sides of the plan are 'orthogonal' with the axes. If th scan was done a little crooked it might be an idea to rotate the image slightly around the blue[Z]axis so it's fixed...
To 'scale' the image it's easiest to use the Tapemeasure tool.
Find two points on the image that are a know distance apart - perhaps some grid lines '6m' apart. Choose the largest known distance as 'picking' accuracy-errors will then be minimized
Pick the two points carefully and the current distance displays in the VCB [perhaps '4.123m']. Type in a new value '6m'. You are asked if you want to rescale, say 'Yes'. The image is now full-size, as desired. Check some other dimensions with the Tapemeasure tool to confirm it.I also recommend that you 'lock' the adjusted image so you can't accidentally erase or alter it while you 'trace' over it. If you put it on its own layer you can toggle its visibility on/off as you work - sometimes the underlay is confusing and you could perhaps draw in some edges more readily without it!
HEHE ty so much guys
will post a pic of the finished product
for critism
but it was scanned on a hid ef scanner it feeds the image in like a fax machine so its always 100% square and al
so yay for me haha but ty for all the replies
um guys
when i import my pic its a jpeg 3885x4450 pixels its quelity is horrid? any advice or do i have to deal with it cos when it was a jpeg its quality was awesome!
The pixel quality of the original image file is reflected in the imported Image's pixelation.
Look at Preferences OpenGL settings and see if they help...