Dimension Style Mystery Change
I don't know if this is a bug or me accidentally clicking something I'm unaware of but it happens often enough and drives me a bit insane.
I use the default settings for dimension styles for my drawings. Every once in awhile that all changes mid drawing. I will go from solid arrows at 2pts, stroke - .5, Veranda-Italic-10pts.-black. Suddenly it all changes to no arrows, Arial-Regular-8pts.-grey. I can change back the arrow setting easy enough, but I can't seem to find where changing the default font setting is. ... and why is this happening?
My back is against the wall at the moment and admittedly, I haven't (but now will) read up on the manuals.
Any help would be very much appreciated.
I was able to get my settings back to where they were, but for some reason the stroke will read that it is set at .5 when I've selected it, but when I am actually using it, it changes to 1pt. I believe Layout is doing this to mock me.
This only happens when I am behind the 8 ball.
Same thing is happening to me. How do you keep the dimension settings, arrows, fonts, etc from changing all the time. So frustrating!
Use the one-shot sample tool to set the style. While in the dimension tool, find a dimension that is set correctly, and type "s". The cursor changes to an eye dropper. Click on the dimension that is set correctly, and now your dimensions have their style set correctly.