E-on-Lumenrt render for Sketchup
@dburdick said:
@deaneau said:
hi at all,
LumenRT was my favorite, however i have try this on different pc´s.
LumenRT doesn´t work on pc´s nvidia Geforce 9800GT
Intel(R) Core(TM) QUAD CPU Q600 @2.40GHz 32 Bit WIN7 Ultimate.Hi Deaneau,
The GeForce 9800GT card should work. Can you try updating your graphics drivers on this card by downloading from NVIDIA and then trying LumenRT again.
Hello bad news for me...my pc doesn´t work with lumenRT
Version 1.2 of LumentRT is now released:
Biggest changes include
- the ability to render super large scenes (e.g. 1km x 1km) much faster using the new AutoScale lighting feature
- faster preprocessing speeds
Exisiting LumenRT users can download the update from their account page
Here's a user spotlight on Ronen Bekerman, an early adopter of LumenRT:
Ronen Bekerman Spotlight
http://www.lumenrt.com/showcase/ronenbekerman/index.php -
Another interesting LumenRT showcase from Xijin Cai using LumenRT to render a University Laboratory:
Xijin Cai
Pre-processing times and hardware specs of these examples?
For a moment I thought the first render was by the Schwarzkopf company after seeing Ronen's logo... he he he
I believe the author said something like 25 minutes pre-processing time, but best is to check out on the LumenRT registered user forums (by the way, our forums are now open to public reading, following your request):
http://www.e-onsoftware.com/support/forum2/viewforum.php?f=6We will also ask the author if he wants to visit here to answer questions directly.
Best regards
Thank you.
If you look inside the content folder of the download demos it contains the lighting log showing exactly how long it took to preprocess:
Cafe Rosso:............................ 13h14s (!!)
Roman Bath: ............................0h21s
Tadao Church of Light: ............2h28s
Azuma Rowhouse:...................1h14sAdam
Yes Adam, that sounds about right (apart from the Cafe Rosso time which seems abnormally long). If you check the logs, alongside the render times, it also tells you that the LiveCubes were rendered in advanced quality modes (Superior or Extreme). Advanced quality modes are usually overkill and only useful in particular lighting conditions. I don't think any of these models required advanced quality modes (we did it for the sake of perfection, really) - we could always re-render them in the faster Review quality and post that for comparison, if you're interested in seeing the difference?
BTW, before you ask, rendering of these LiveCubes was done on an average, 2 year old computer.Best regards
Hi We just bought LumenRT and it is very easy to use, and great result even at preview mode, incredible. The only thing is I feel the published file is too slow to play in any computer, I tried to play it in a Core I7 laptop and was so slow, are there any way to improve this? or Am I doing something wrong?
Bravoddb -
Another question, can I make a cube of a residential project? It is a 50 lots with a park at the center, and 15 trees.
I'm asking this because the new update, I want to know if it will work?
Hi Bravodb,
Glad to hear you're happy with LumenRT's ease of use and render quality!
Regarding real-time playback performance on your laptop, you should be aware that playback is mostly dependent on the performance of your GPU. This is not related to the power of your CPU, and unfortunately, laptops are often equipped with "M" versions of the GPUs ("M" as in Mobile) which are considerably slower than their standard desktop counterparts.Hope that helps.
Best regards -
I thought I'd add that the number of polygons in the scene is what will slow down the playback, so try reducing the number of polygons in the SketchUp scene as much as possible. Keep in mind that SketchUp components are expanded as individual objects inside LumenRT (because of the lighting that is different on each one).
About your question re/ the large residential project, the newly released LumenRT 1.2 is designed to handle such larger projects through the use of the Auto-scale lighting option - but you might want to consider playing the LiveCube on a better GPU if there are lots of elements in the scene (i.e. polygons).
Again, hope than helps.
Best regards -
@bravoddb said:
Hi We just bought LumenRT and it is very easy to use, and great result even at preview mode, incredible. The only thing is I feel the published file is too slow to play in any computer, I tried to play it in a Core I7 laptop and was so slow, are there any way to improve this? or Am I doing something wrong?
BravoddbYes, Nicholas is right in that many laptop graphics cards don't have sufficient GPU memory/power to run Live Cubes effectively. Besides reducing the scene polycount, you can also create avi clips or images from the LiveCube to send to those who lack sufficient GPU power.
Here's another cool LiveCube done by Hai Ban. Took him 25 minutes to render in Review quality mode. Really nice reflections on this. Check out the other images at:
Just a quick heads up that LumenRT version 1.3 update is now available (download it from your e-on Software account page). Key new features:
Support for "face-me" components - they will now all face the camera in LumenRT just like in Sketchup
You can add a custom company logo to show on the splash screen of the LumenRT Live Cubes.
We are still working to correct a few issues with LumenRT on Mac OSX Lion. Also, a demo version of LumenRT will be available shortly.
Such a bad luck, I bought this software couple weeks ago, and I still couldn't use it due to license error which is strange for me, why the developer took so long to resolve this. oh and one more thing, this program won't run at all on my machine. and I am still awaiting an update from them.
@rfox said:
Such a bad luck, I bought this software couple weeks ago, and I still couldn't use it due to license error which is strange for me, why the developer took so long to resolve this. oh and one more thing, this program won't run at all on my machine. and I am still awaiting an update from them.
Can you send me an email to dburdick@e-onsoftware.com with all the information about your problem and I'll see to it that the problem gets fixed.