Vray Specular Reflection Glossiness
I want to create a reflective material with glossiness. I don't want it to reflect like a mirror and I also use specular map. Even I tried few times I couldn't make it work. So can anyone help me about this? If I don't use specular map glossiness works fine but when I add the specular it doesn't work. The textures I used for diffuse and specular are below. Also I'm using VfSU 1.49.01
Diffuse map
Specular map
Just glossiness
Specular with glossiness[didn't work] -
Did you apply fresnel reflection on the map? Perhaps yu are not using map that is why its reflecting 100% like mirror.
Yes, I did apply fresnel. Specular works but I couldn't make both specular and glossiness work together.
Problem solved. I added specular to filter slot and it worked. I used to put specular in slot that below reflection glossiness and specular worked there. So I thought this must be specular slot but I was wrong. I did more search on google. Find out that I can put specular in filter slot and then I tried glossiness. It worked fine.