I know this is kind of a "duh" type question
but could someone please direct me toward the plugin which contained the "smoove" tool?
I had an Extinction Level Eventconsisting of a persistent rootkit, and GPU chipset burnout (lit-erally)
of my previous computer sometime back in like February; this necessitated complete replacement of my system, and unfortunately also meant the loss of some 250+ plugins as well as my login data for many of the websites, forums etc, that I routinely visited. (This is also why I disappeared for a few months.)
I don't mind the loss of the plugins (for the most part) because most of them were the kind of plugin where you say, "ooooo, neat!" download it, play with it for five minutes and never use it again. Some, on the other hand, were extremely useful, like whichever one had the "smoove" tool.
In the end though, Sketchy is running faster and cleaner, and the models I have had to rebuild are better than the originals, because I have learned so much since then. More importantly, I finally got to upgrade to a dual core 3.0 GHZ from a single core 3.0 GHZ processor, so I am at least a little closer to the SOTA. Not like it's a 16-core Xeon, or anything.
Anyway, thanks muchYours,
Cathryn -
Smoove is a built in SU Sandbox tool and not a plug-in.
But you might to do a one off activation of the built-in Sandbox toolset from Preferences > Extensions...
Thank you TIG! I had forgotten that it's native and not necessarily activated in the preferences.