Mixed Media Output
Is there a method for being able to export an image of just the linework from SU to mix with the Kery rendered output. I have attached an image I am playing with where I have layered and adjusted two different Kerky outputs together and would like to add a skechy line effect to it as well. I can't seem to get the same / aspect image if I try to export an image from SU.Is anybody doing this? And if so - could you show an example and explain how please.
On the frontpage of the Getting Started - KT2008 Echo tutorial, you can see an image made using a KT render and a direct SU export merged together...
It's very simple to do actually...
As you may know, the scenes you create in SU will get exported as camera positions in KT...
So if you export a 2D graphic from SU and you render the same scene in KT, you'll get identical images, which you can merge in a post pro... -
Following Frederik's reply, if you changed the position of your camera within Kerkythea to a different location than what you had in Sketchup, you can export your scene again with a different name. Now in Kerkythea, you can use 'File > Merge' to merge your new camera with your model. Simply change every tab except the "cameras" tab to "Keep current - throw new away". For cameras, select "merge - add to current" and look for the scene you just exported. Now you should have your old scene with your new cameras.
Kim & Jon,
Thanks both of you for your help. I didn't keep this SU model and view after I exported because I delete a wa;; to get the view I wanted to work with. I did test what you taught me on another image that is posted in the Gallery section here. I see this as just another fun way to use Kerky, and I will experiment a lot more on some other interiors I need to produce soon.
Thanks again!
Bytor -
@unknownuser said:
It's very simple to do actually...
As you may know, the scenes you create in SU will get exported as camera positions in KT...
So if you export a 2D graphic from SU and you render the same scene in KT, you'll get identical images, which you can merge in a post proIm having trouble getting identical images. I exported with same camera. Overlay in photoshop should be the same but not.
What could be wrong? -
Got it ot work for a single exported render image in kerky. Did not work for batch render images for some reason.
To be honest, I have never been able to export the exact same camera (FOV mainly) into Kerky. I first realized this when I was trying to make cubic panoramas. Then I found a topic on the Kerky forums where someone posted the same pains about those cubic panoramas and there were the settings but I cannot remember where that post is or what the settings are.
Have you got Twilight by any chance? That can export the same cameras to Kerky.
Is there any way to compare the cameras position and FOV in kerkythea and sketchup?
I noted on the kerkythea forum that I was mistaken and upon closer review i didnt get a perfect match.
havent dicovered what is going wrong. -
Can you post your model (or upload somewhere)?