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Vray + sketchup how to update sun position?
I have my first question about sketchup and vray, i'am rendering scene and:
- I have set up the scene whit shadows off
- Turn shadows on, render scene and want to change sun position
- I'am changing time and day in sketchup shadows window, in sketchup window everything seems to be fine
- but when iam rendering scene the sun position hasnt changed
any idea?
The V-Ray sun should always be synchronized.
What version number of V-Ray for SketchUp do you use? (I think there was an issue in the very first release - years ago.)
sketchup pro 8 and vray 1.48.96
and i tryed out everything, updating scenes, creating new ones, etc... once vray grab the position of the sun its fixed
Latest version is 1.49.01 - See if that makes any difference.
And you're sure that you've got the Sun/Sky system enabled under Environment?
yeap if i go to:
enviroment - GI color/Gi backgrnd - map - and set texSky it's the same thing....