Selecting in SketchUp Outliner
I'm currently working on a house model with a width of 28m and a length of 31m. The basement and its walls, contents etc. have been placed in a group and sub-group called 'Basement'. For some reason, when I select Basement in the Outliner a blue block surrounds the model. This is normal, however my blue block is 31m wide and disappears into the distance for 1,700m!? This makes editing the model very cumbersome as it seems to be including something I can't see. I've activated Hidden Geometry but am still not able to see anything what may be causing this.
I would be grateful for any help on this issue.
Many thanks.
Did you import something from a CAD drawing?
This type of data can place stuff miles away...
Try this...
Open the Entity Info window - you need it later.
Edit the group select all, with Edit>Select_All [Ctrl+A].
Now deselect all of the geometry you want to keep... i.e. hold down Ctrl+Shift and drag a right>left fence.
If anything is left selected in the Entity Info window press the delete key to remove it.
Now your group's extents should shrink.
When you are sure you haven't lost anything you wanted etc save...
Let's assume if didn't work... perhaps you have some components in that group that have their origin miles away ?
Try this...
Model Info > Components > Show Axes.
Try to sort out which of the component-instances in the edited group have an axis in a weird place.
Select it and right-click > context-menu > change-axes... pick a new place for the axis much nearer the origin...
Repeat if necessary until your group's bounds shrink to something sensible...
This might also occur in other parts of the model so check those too...
Hope this works... -
No, nothing imported from a CAD drawing, although I did import some SketchUp models from the 3D Warehouse.
If I select individual Sub-Groups within the main Basement group the blue selection shrinks to the current model size, only when I select the top level does the blue selection disappear into the distance. If I 'Explode' the upper-most level the blue selection shrinks, if I then select what needs to be in that Group and create a new main Group the selection once again disappears into the distance.
I've tried following your instructions as best possible but without success. I do seem to have several small red/green/blue axis in my model at different places, red/green and blue all face in their respective directions.
I seem to have solved the problem by selecting 'Explode' (again) and then regrouping everything into a new group. Now, for some strange reason, when selecting all the blue line does not disappear in the distance.
For some reason, your groups were bigger than the geometry inside - or more exactly, I still think that there is some stray geometry far away which you did not include into your new group (or some of your imports were made in a weird way.)
What happens if you zoom extents (Shift+Z)? Is the window "filled" with your model or are you zooming far out?
Now, when I do a 'Zoom Extents' only the current model fills the window. Not sure what caused the problem but at least it's solved. Thanks for all the prompt help.
There must have been an imported component/group with some surreal bounding box (because its component/group origin was very far away). This often happens when people import stuff from CAD and preserve the drawing origin (and then later move things to the origin but the original CAD block had its own origin at the World origin).
You said you imported some SU models (components). I bet one of those was somehow made this way. When you explode such a thing and re-group it, SU will place the group (component) origin as close to the geometry as possible (ideally the geometry would be aligned to the current World axes and then the bounding box "fits" nicely to the geometry).