[Plugin] CameraKeyMaker 1.0 (Update 2011-04-09)
This plugin generates smooth animations based on a camera path (bezier spline). Camera keys are editable and saved within the drawing.
How to install: Unzip in Plugins folder.
Alt + Q : Add camera key / Update position of key (first press down. see below)
Down : Edit current key.
Left : Previous key.
Right : Next key.
Up : Preview animation.
Enter : Generate Scenes (pages)Edit camera key mode is available only (top - right - left - front ) view.
I want to add an effect to mimic the pitch of the airplane flight.Known Issues:
- WARNING ! when you whant generate avi file it crash sketchup (desactivate tool first "click on select tool" )
require bezier.rb
http://rhin.crai.archi.fr/rld/download.php?file=bezier.rbUpdate 2011-04-09 (Fixed various errors with large model)
Download english version on ruby library depot (french version translated by Didier Bur is available) : [url=http://rhin.crai.archi.fr/rld/plugin_details.php?id=832:29uxpnvl]Ruby Library Depot[/url:29uxpnvl]
Direct download : [url=http://rhin.crai.archi.fr/rld/download.php?file=CameraKeyMaker.zip:29uxpnvl]CameraKeyMaker.zip[/url:29uxpnvl]Tutorial basic:
[flash=480,390:29uxpnvl]http://www.youtube.com/v/vZ_V9Txie2A[/flash:29uxpnvl]Demo animation :
[flash=480,390:29uxpnvl]http://www.youtube.com/v/KvvKrn26--o[/flash:29uxpnvl]Cloister galleries Thoronet (test advanced animation)
Great! Thank you!
nice animation. could you describe what makes your animation plugin different from others?
Wow! I'm stunned.
This is exactly what I always wanted for SU animation.
Thank you soooo much!Did I say Wow?
Just did a quick test and it's supersmooth.
Love it already. -
Yes, apparently very nice, smooth animations.
I wonder how they can be "translated" into 3rd party renderers' camera exporters (this is obviously not your task but of those who write them - hopefully it is feasible).
@pixero said:
Just did a quick test and it's supersmooth.
Love it already.Thank you very much Pixero
Excellent idea.
My only suggestion is that you put it in the 'Camera' menu rather than the 'Plugins' [I've already edited my version...] -
@gaieus said:
Yes, apparently very nice, smooth animations.
I wonder how they can be "translated" into 3rd party renderers' camera exporters (this is obviously not your task but of those who write them - hopefully it is feasible).
Yes it's possible.
I know that in LightWave the camera paths are stored in envelopes it's just a spline. -
@tig said:
Excellent idea.
My only suggestion is that you put it in the 'Camera' menu rather than the 'Plugins' [I've already edited my version...]Of course it's obvious
Thank's TIG
best regard. -
nice and smooth
It's a great plugin! I'm testing it right now but I'm trying to edit the path (in top or front view in parallel and perspective) and I can't select and move the points.. Does anyone else have this problem? I'm using sketchup 8 on windows 7
@dbalex said:
It's a great plugin! I'm testing it right now but I'm trying to edit the path (in top or front view in parallel and perspective) and I can't select and move the points.. Does anyone else have this problem? I'm using sketchup 8 on windows 7
Thank's for your reply dbalex !
Strange thing!
Check your keyboard shortcuts if it already occupied by another tool (see above in the header of this post to shortcuts)
Check if you have groups or layers in your model.
sometimes when a key is published in conjunction with a group is selected that is problematic. -
Is there a shortcut key for editing the points? because I can update the keyframes by putting the camera in the right spot and update the keyframe, but I can't select them and move them in the orthographic views.. non of the shortcut your plugin uses is used in my shortcuts so I don't think that's the problem, anyway even like this it's a great tool! thanks for the fast reply
and I have no groups or layers in the scene, just a testscene with a simple cube.
@dbalex said:
and I have no groups or layers in the scene, just a testscene with a simple cube.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Check if you have the file bezier.rb
The plugin has been tested on Sketchup v.7 and v.8 (pro or not)best regard
yes I thought of that also so I installed bezier.rb again with no results.. will try it on my other computer when I have time and will let you know if it works on that one. Thanks!
Would some other Bezier plugin work with this tool? If not, could this be causing the difficulty?
@mitcorb said:
Would some other Bezier plugin work with this tool? If not, could this be causing the difficulty?
thank's mitCorb for reply
In the next major update (1.2) the file "bezier.rb" will no be required.