Have we all become Googleized?
@tomot said:
- Whats happened to the Corner Bar?
- Who is sanitizing/deleting original posts?
- Where is the Argument, Discussion and Debate?
This forum appears to have become a ghostly shadow of its former-non-google-owned-self.
Is the current social networking phenomena in part to blame for this?
That's big news to us moderators - SCF is independent and self-financing [through limited discreet advertising], with the relatively few admins and mods giving up a lot of their time freely to keep this place running smoothly for the 70,000 or so of you that are members.
Where'd you get the idea that Google own it ?
The SCF was started by Mike Lucey and some others to replace the @Last forums that were lost when Google changed policy!
Google already have their own [rather inferior] forums, SCF is much more active and popular.........The 'Corner Bar' is still there... but it's up to members to use it...
That's where the debate is if you want it...Posts are rarely deleted - unless they are 'spam', 'advertising' or 'self-promotion' that has not be previously agreed, duplicated [new users can post the same message twice within a few seconds!], or somehow inflammatory/immoral/illegal/etc. Most removed messages are obvious 'spam', or are from known spam-precursor new-members, with spam-linked signatures etc - most of these never make it for you to see, but some slip through that you might see briefly before mods trap them. The mods, and particularly Gaieus as the main admin, work tirelessly to stop this forum being overrun by this type of rubbish...
I can recall only one incident [some years ago now] when a whole thread was pulled, it had become an acrimonious 'slanging match', and that was not done lightly, but after much debate amongst the admins/mods and considerable PMing with the 'participants'...
Very occasionally we might 'sanitize' a post by correcting typos etc that are either plain confusing or unintentionally rude [members who do not have English as their first language can sometimes not say what they mean! 'pass' >>> 'piss' etc, and we then save them from themselves].
remember that the forums were restructured recently so some posts might have been moved to a more suitable forum - they haven't been deleted, simply relocated. Also sometimes users post in a forum and the post is reallocated to a more suitable forum - again, not deleted. just moved...
Remember too that a user can edit/delete their own posts, so it might not be anything to do with us that it changes or disappears...
Do you have any examples of a deleted or sanitized posts that you would like us to investigate?
If the server is indeed being buggy and not displaying all posts then we need to know...
SketchUcation is listed with 3686 entries on the Stop Forum Spam contributors page:
I only started to report spammers there about a year and a half ago (while SCF was started about 5 years ago, when Google closed the old @Last forums down as TIG mentioned). That may be a lot of "lost" posts but I am sure you do not mind.Our newest member currently is # 81271 but our member count says 70477 which means that nearly 11,000 spammers were deleted already (since 5 years ago). This also involves spam bots if they ever make it to post at all. But I am sure you do not mean those. Here is one for instance that has never made to the "public" forums:
http://www.stopforumspam.com/evidence/580317Not that great read indeed. But if you want to read about horoscopes, you can do it here:
http://www.stopforumspam.com/evidence/526534 -
SS Spoon for anyone to use
I have to agree with the mods. There are some dedicated SketchUppers (like Gaieus) that still offer advice on the official Google site, but most of the old hands that remember the @Last forums gave up on their Google owned replacement within a few months. It has all the visual allure of a Tax Return form; and really sucky navigability.
Sketchucation was started by Coen Naninck. As its name suggests, it was a personal advice blog, even before the Google takeover of @Last. That function no longer exists, because you can get all the advice you need within the forum itself.
This site now gone ever so slightly commercial, with the assistance of Mike, Csaba and a few others, because of the demands that its popularity has placed on its bandwidth. It's in no way owned by Google despite the presence of the SketchUp crew here. They're only here because they know full well that the Google forum isn't a patch on what they had before at @Last. They're constrained by Google's corporate image, so have to bow to the inevitable...that all serious SU users are over here.
The forum is whatever you make it. I for one really appreciate the effort that goes into keeping the place clean. I know what they're up against, because I used to moderate the original @Last forums. The spamming is utterly relentless; and I'm guessing that it's much worse now than it was 6 years ago. -
Well, back to topic. I am (almost) certain tomot did not mean to stir any sh*t here nor open a can of worms - and also that he did not mean spammers and spam posts.
So what's it tomot, then?
not Spartacus?
Although I know that Coen did 'start' it all off, it then morphed into something much nearer its present form under the guidance of Mike and others [including Coen]... to whom we all owe a great debt of gratitude!
I did write 'The SCF was started by Mike Lucey and some others...'... as I believe that Mike is/was the lead instigator...