Project Messiah for 10 $ !
Looks to be at over 75% now - I did my part with a couple of licenses!
Progress bar : 82 % at this day
How I know that?
Just see the source code of the pageMaybe 4% can be added by the rounded ending image
Looks like it is broaching the 90% mark. If you are interested better get on board.
I already got mine
Jason. -
I couldn't let this one slip either!
$40 paid, no questions asked!
Mac, PC, or Linux? How can one fail???
The last 20% takes 80% of the effort [The Pareto Rule]...
We WILL get there... -
I know this is probably going to collect dust in my hard drive as I have never tried character animation before, but, hey, it's just $40. There went my money. I also just reposted this to a Spanish SketchUp forum. At the current rate the offer should be over in less than 24 hours. Apparently "the goal" is pretty high, as they plan to refund the difference to existing users of version 5 if the goal is met. Trends shows a spike in searches for project messiah... (Actually, it seems they were quite unknown before this).
@tig said:
The last 20% takes 80% of the effort [The Pareto Rule]...
We WILL get there...Oh you old pessimist
Now all we need to do is get the thing!
They say it'll take tree days or so to process all of these new licenses...Anyone still interested has ~12 hours left to buy at the very heavily discounted price...
If you think about it, it's actually a very good way of making a quick buck.
The developers are probably millionaires now!
Now if only UGS would do the same thing with NX7.5, Or Autodesk with 3DS Max, or AutoCAD!
In celebration, I've updated my avatar- seeing there is a cartoon theme going on here!
Tom & Jerry Zoot Cat!
Doh! YouTube have broken my usual trick of uploading vids- BOOO!
Good old fashioned links;
"35,000 hits. 103,000 combined views"
By "hits" do they mean sales? If that's the case, they have made around 1 million bucks with this campaign, assuming more than half the people went for the PRO license.Yeah, sure, they're taking their time to process their licenses... That probably means there's still a lot of people buying.
One webpage, many hits
Hits are commonly misinterpreted as a metric for website success, however the number of hits rarely translates to the number of people visiting a website. Nor are the number of hits the same as the number of webpages viewed. (Individual webpages accessed, or โpage viewsโ, are a more meaningful metric.)
A webpage is typically made up of a number of individual files. When a webpage is viewed, each of these files is requested from the web server, and each file request increases the hit-count for the website.
For example, if a homepage comprises:
* an HTML document; * two stylesheets; * ten images and; * a JavaScript file;
then 14 hits will be added to the hit-count each time the homepage is viewed.
They may not have made alot of money here but they dramatically increased their marketshare and they will more than make up the difference when it comes time to upgrade to V6... very savvy strategy.
Jason. -
I remember the web definition of "hit" as at some point in the past I designed web sites... But since the number was way lower than the number of "combined views", I guessed they must be giving the word "hit" some other sense here.
Only 5 hours left for those on the fence...
It has just occurred to me that you might use this as a rendering program. It has the usual features:
Hair & fur
Particle Clouds
Blurry reflections
Sub Surface Scattering
Several Global Illumination methods
Surface emittersA gallery: -
I bought two Pro versions to help all of us along - and just found out that they are still accepting the reduced pricing now even though they've hit their magical number. Buy one for a friend, maybe?
I tried to purchase another copy (during that 12 hour grace period), but got nowhere. Perhaps the server wasn't working?
The following statement is on their site at present:
**Due to the overwhelming response, we are in the process of updating the license system to better automate the management of everyone generating their licenses. We have a 3 day delay in finalizing the transactions, and downloading them into the system. We hope to have license generation up by Saturday or perhaps sooner. You will be getting an email to the email address you provided paypal when you purchased, that will contain the url and login info to generate your license for your purchase or purchases(if you did them in more than one transaction).