[LIP] Sculptris_SimonLeBon
nice skull development@rattusnor said:
question: i wanted to make some basic shapes in sketchup to work on in sculptris,
export as obj(thanks for the plugin TIG) this works fine.
problem starts when i try import anything more complicated than a box into sculptris.
i get: "can't import - has faces with more than 4 corners"anyone know about a work around on that?
We can find this in the documentation included into Sculptris installation pack:
@unknownuser said:
Import OBJ - Import an existing OBJ file. Useful if you want multiple objects for sculpting, or somewhat more complex topology than a sphere. Compatibility is limited. Use single closed triangulated mesh(es) without sharp corners, and with less than 24 connections per vertex (no high-resolution spheres, unless they are geospheres)
Export OBJ - Export model as Wavefront OBJ, for use in other applications. The exported model will have vertices, triangles and vertex normals. Texture coordinates if painted.
@unknownuser said:
Simon, keep at it and you will be a sculptor very soon.
thank you man@Shura
Hey! Nice skull : "brillant"@unknownuser said:
get yourself some more shaders for Sculptris
I'm interested too!!@Michalis
As I can understand; this is the big news, YOU ARE STARTING A CLASSROOM!!(may be an informal one) and I'm not there to try the first tests
I keep my eyes open
@unknownuser said:
I don't believe that you have to buy zbrush to do the job, this is possibly the best app but it isn't friendly to SU, you possibly have to go for 3dcoat (cheeper and the easiest way to convert SU topology).
Thank you Simon. When SDS2 is out we might need a subforum for sculpting in SU - then you will be elected as the moderator.
After all it is your LIP thread, hope you don't mind it has turned into a collective workshop.Ok Michalis, I finally got blender installed, obj > 3ds > SU works like a breeze. Of course high poly count, Polyreduce plugin didnt work (was impatient after 40 mins, maybe should let it calculate over night?)
Have to throw a glance at Blenders UV unwrapping tool, too. Maybe I can make use of it in the future...
btw: groboto is fun, tried it out long ago but found it difficult to produce something that is different from grobotos very unique style.
thank you Simon for the help, i never read the documentation = )
anyway, im totaly in love with this 3d app... thanks again for starting this thread.
And i second Shura's comment:
"hope you don't mind it has turned into a collective workshop"(i was looking around for a group in flickr to share my work,
to my surprise it wasnt any sculptris groups there?... so i started one)
i'v been working on "Marv" from sin city for a couple of days...
long way to go but adding details now -
@simon, 349$ are less than 350 lol, No. I really believe that it isn't expensive at all, this app does a lot of things, a lot!
Don't forget, this app is the closer to real clay sculpting.In old days, a real clay sculpture, 3d scan, retopo, painting, rigging. A similar approach in 3dcoat.
What makes this app friendly to SU is that- you model simple parts in SU, drop them to 3dc-voxels (3dc asks to keep scaling here!). Do sculpture, export. VoilΓ .
- Just import the meshes, do UVs and paint them projecting textures, real preview bumps or displacements.
- Change the whole topology as you like.
- A great decimator for exporting low poly tri meshes without losing many details.
About 3ds imports.
- texture names MUST have less than 8 digits names
- Never more than 64k faces for a single mesh
- Better to avoid blender decimator. Unfortunately the best are the decimatorMaster plugin of zbrush and the decimator of 3dcoat (directly from voxels), these actually are great of stl machines.
About blender, all versions
In preference panel
Check "turntable" view!!! Our friendly SU method for navigation. -
@unknownuser said:
The policy on the 3D-Coat Educational version have been changed. We offer 3D-Coat to students, hobbyists and amateurs pursuing non-commercial goals, so as senior people and unemployed at $99 US.
@unknownuser said:
- no commercial usage
- textures size to export is limited to 2048x2048
- layers amout is limited to 7
@rattusnor said:
thank you Simon for the help, i never read the documentation = )
anyway, im totaly in love with this 3d app... thanks again for starting this thread.
And i second Shura's comment:
"hope you don't mind it has turned into a collective workshop"(i was looking around for a group in flickr to share my work,
to my surprise it wasnt any sculptris groups there?... so i started one)
i'v been working on "Marv" from sin city for a couple of days...
long way to go but adding details nowGreat Sylvester Stallone lips.
@unknownuser said:
- no commercial usage
- textures size to export is limited to 2048x2048
- layers amout is limited to 7
These probably are more than enough in most cases. Better not use larger than 2048 px textures in SU.
@shura said:
After all it is your LIP thread, hope you don't mind it has turned into a collective workshop.
I am glad it has turned into a collective workshop and then into a living place! May be the title can now be modified as just "[LIP]= Sculptris"
@unknownuser said:
@simon, 349$ are less than 350 lol, No. I really believe that it isn't expensive at all
99$ for educational version ->
@unknownuser said:These probably are more than enough in most cases.
You are right for everything and this educational version should fit very well to me.Still on the road,
everything is interesting, please keep it on,
*simon -
@unknownuser said:
should fit very well to me.
...and cherry on the top of the cake it is in French
Quel hasard n'est-il pas ? -
9 minutes 32 secondes by Taron
(real time ! )
[flash=480,385:1wzldqfq]http://www.youtube.com/v/MgHfDsIcqR0?fs=1[/flash:1wzldqfq] -
@unknownuser said:
As I can understand; this is the big news, YOU ARE STARTING A CLASSROOM!!
How could I start a classroom? Where? Any ideas? Always my pleasure to help each other. Just dont ask me how to sculpt a nose - my weak point always.
On ears, my speciality. On abstract structure, my favorite part. On anatomy, I hate it, probably the greatest lie in history of art.
There is a useful plug for that (non manifolds remover), help please, I need this.
Please post this link to 3dc forum as well, some SU users there may need it.
And my post here, a statue of venus I already posted as a podium test render, here the 'original' zbrush render (BPR) at 3M poly this time (5 sec render time) .
About the remove inner faces
Direct link to load the RB file -
Hi guys,
Since I still don't have much time for doing the tests initiated by Michalis, here is an interlude.
I had made about 12/13 years ago a serial of 7 or 8 sculptures after I had found pieces of light stone at the output of an old stones carry. Today I have taken pictures for this thread of three sculptures that are left in my possession.this one was made into a small piece of an old wooden handrail. The wood is oak.
already a gargoyle
a cube of life?
[img:k9z33o8y]http://i274.photobucket.com/albums/jj245/Spendauballet/Sculptris/th_RealScuptSim_015.jpg[/img:k9z33o8y] [img:k9z33o8y]http://i274.photobucket.com/albums/jj245/Spendauballet/Sculptris/th_RealScuptSim_014.jpg[/img:k9z33o8y] [img:k9z33o8y]http://i274.photobucket.com/albums/jj245/Spendauballet/Sculptris/th_RealScuptSim_013.jpg[/img:k9z33o8y] [url=http://i274.photobucket.com/albums/jj245/Spendauballet/Sculptris/RealScuptSim_011.jpg:k9z33o8y][img:k9z33o8y]http://i274.photobucket.com/albums/jj245/Spendauballet/Sculptris/th_RealScuptSim_011.jpg[/img:k9z33o8y][/url:k9z33o8y] [url=http://i274.photobucket.com/albums/jj245/Spendauballet/Sculptris/RealScuptSim_009.jpg:k9z33o8y][img:k9z33o8y]http://i274.photobucket.com/albums/jj245/Spendauballet/Sculptris/th_RealScuptSim_009.jpg[/img:k9z33o8y][/url:k9z33o8y]Cheers,
Simon. -
Sometimes I wonder if all this 3D hassle is worthy of my time or not. I used to soothe myself thinking how 3D printing would spark my "home manufacturing revolution", but now that I have seen this...A real hand-made that still beats the cr@p out of 3D printing as far as I am concerned.
Makes me want to build scale models again. Plus the glue fumes...
Congratulations, Simon! -
This is the kind of sculpture I like Simon.
Nice 3d printing.Great work !!!!
Hi guys,
You're nice and kindI have made a speed test with import export .obj
Native "File/Export as Obj" with SU7 pro works fine.
Tig's OBJexporter and Import OBJ with Materials worked perfectly with Su6 free. (thank you a lot dear TIG)
remind: from Scuptris included documentation
@unknownuser said:
Import OBJ - Import an existing OBJ file. Useful if you want multiple objects for sculpting, or somewhat more complex topology than a sphere. Compatibility is limited. Use single closed triangulated mesh(es) without sharp corners, and with less than 24 connections per vertex (no high-resolution spheres, unless they are geospheres)
In Fact, there is no need to produce a model "without sharp corners" after some tries I had mad a simple "hard square" and this worked.
No need also to subdivide the model into SU. Sculptris do the job itself easily using "Subdivide All" button
The various tools expend the subdivision in relation with Detail slider.
There is also a "Reduce Selected" button in order to export back to SU a reduced mesh which works on the full model,
(4 or 5 iterations:)
And more handy, I have used "Reduce Brush" button to reduce by zones.
At the end, "cherry on the cake" I have used Chris Fullmer's Extrapolate Colors to make a harlequin render.
Simon. -
You have also Random Painter by Chris Fullmer!
Else it's a very cool workflow for make "subdivision and Smooth" with SU6! (or up)
@ Simon :Je te "pique" le tut, le traduis et te donne l'adresse où je le mets dès qu'il est fait
Ok traduction faite
Je vais Γ©videmment la mettre aussi sur la "French Section " Γ SketchEducation -
Nice harlequin technique, can also do a good job in case you want to do one of Gaudi's rooftop sculptures...