Help with wood material... need name in english...
'Carvalho Malva' literally translates as 'Mauve Oak' or 'Purple Oak' - 'Malva' is also 'Mallow' in English which is a mauve colored flower...
Is there a type of Oak with a purple tinge ?,r:4,s:0
these guys think that they sell it -
hmmm... so Malva translates as purple, but all the examples of Malva Oak I found in portuguese are not purple at all, but a very light beigeish color? Does that means that we brazilians are nameing it incorrectly?
'Malva' is more accurately 'mauve' which is a pale kind of 'purple': perhaps this type of oak has the slightest 'hint' of 'mauve' in it
In English we have 'green oak' which is not 'green' at all but used to refer to it's 'youth' [youngsters are said to be 'green' like new plants] - so 'green oak' is wood that's not fully 'seasoned' [dried]. Perhaps 'mauve oak' in Portuguese means something similar - and doesn't refer to a real 'color' ??
or maybe the leaves or bark or roots have something to do with naming it malva?
[but, it looks very similar to white oak and i'm thinking there are plenty of white oak images out there.. search that instead]
If it can wait until this evening (US Central Time), I might be able to come up with some reasonable long red and/or white oak materials for you. The samples you post look more like red oak to me than white but that could be my monitor.
Perhaps "Carvalho Malva" does refer to what we, here in the US would call red oak. Unfinished, red oak tends to have a pinkish color while unfinished white oak tends to be more neutral grayish in color. FWIW, there are a number of species of oaks that yield "red oak" and others that yield "white oak".
the red oak looks rosier...
the client just sent me this sample of a Carvalho Malva laminated... its high res but shows a small area, so for texturing a table I would probably need to photoshop it (the bottom of the image is also blurry)
I wont hotlink the image to avoid cluttering the thread. -
Looks like 'American White Oak' to me
Hai guys, I am visiting here for the first time and got to know much about Oak. I have some furniture and carved show pieces made up of Oak. But I donโt know whether it is called white Oak or red Oak or purple Oak. I will post some of the images very soon and see if you people get any idea about the same. I have this furniture since a very long time and people say it can be used by generations together as it is that much durable.
The material you are looking for is the "RED OAK" which is native to US and South America and has a distinctive pink-redish colour I believe the botanical name is "QUERCUS LOBATAE" here is a link to a picture
looks like Red Oak to me... but hey I only worked in a millshop I didn't actually know what I was doing.
Maybe this will help!...
Here in Portugal, usually we designate wood oak in two separate spicies, you should try to find FRENCH OAK and AMERICAN OAK (Carvalho Frances e Carvalho Americano)
Pardon mi Ingles! lolol
Best of luck!