Lumion - Test drive
Serious questions:
Can you import any other animated objects (cars, people, vegetation, boats, animals) than what is already available or not? OR only as static geometry? In which case I would be probably paying for something I definitely do not need.
(My concern is that what if I do not like those two idiots who talk as if they were conducting some Wagner opera)
Second; you say in the demo there are this and that number of materials. Can you create (and tweak and SAVE) your own materials or you are (again) doomed to use what a certain company in a certain country/building environment thinks is the best to have for architects?
(You know, I read their forums but there are no answers...)
Can any "objects" be saved for further use (surely with their own materials like the question above)?
Do you think it is a good evaluation method when you cannot save your project file? I mean if you take your work seriously, do you really just spend a couple of hours working on it?
@gaieus said:
Serious questions:
Can you import any other animated objects (cars, people, vegetation, boats, animals) than what is already available or not? OR only as static geometry? In which case I would be probably paying for something I definitely do not need.
(My concern is that what if I do not like those two idiots who talk as if they were conducting some Wagner opera)
Second; you say in the demo there are this and that number of materials. Can you create (and tweak and SAVE) your own materials or you are (again) doomed to use what a certain company in a certain country/building environment thinks is the best to have for architects?
(You know, I read their forums but there are no answers...)
Can any "objects" be saved for further use (surely with their own materials like the question above)?
Do you think it is a good evaluation method when you cannot save your project file? I mean if you take your work seriously, do you really just spend a couple of hours working on it?
-I have asked this question and so far the answer I got was if you have Quest3D then you can create your own animated content and Speed tree for animated vegetation. I have neither of those so I will not be able to test this.
-I am under the impression that they will be making new content regularly which will be available to licensed users, from the little I was able to get from their forum it seems that content is based on requests from users.
-Creating and saving textures at this moment is still a mystery to me, once I get more fluent I’ll come back to you, unless a Lumion staff member is watching this and can offer advice.
-Again, I will need to find this out.
-It’s not up to me to decide, I do not see why one should not be able to save a scene file as it’s in their format and cannot be used with another software, so I see no reason why you are not allowed. I do know that there are no export options however, even with full version.
thanks for sharing your experience Pete, I made a very quick try some days ago and my impression was to having my hands tied.... it looks great (except the specular objects reflect the sky also in interiors...
) but without enough control for imported objects, I also cannot find a scale command. About pricing, it seems his direct competitor could be twinmotion2 that is even more expensive...
@solo said:
Lumion is now downloaded and installed.
I’m running a full version....
Is this thread an advertisement? I don't care if it is, but if they are throwing you a copy of the program in return for your review then it should have been made clear from the start what was happening.
No John this is not an advert, this is a review from a SU users point of view. I will not be biased nor inflate or exaggerate the product, I have a one month full evaluation license to test this product as arranged with Lumion without any deals made or exchange for any endorsements, I do not own the full version and I need to be actively connected to their server to use it.
At the end of this exercise members of SCF can make a better informed decision if this product is right for them based on my conclusions, learning from my mistakes and their following along with the demo version.If this endeavor is a success and indeed helps some people then we will be doing this with other SU related software in future. At the end of the day I wanted to learn this product and have the time to do so, I thought why not document it, so please do not take offense or assume foul play. I hope my reviews and discussions about 3rd party apps helps this community as it's intended as we have been down this road before and I'm not up for another round of the same old arguements.
Can we please keep on topic now guys, or is this an exercise in futility?
Okay, so I played around a little more, this time I used some library objects like stones, trees, boats, people, birds and a bench.
Placing objects was easy and rather fun actually.
Getting the animated people to walk in a path took some head scrathing until I found that you need to be in movie mode to enable object animation.
The fly-through works very similar to Sketchup, instead of creating scenes you take a 'snapshot' as key frames and then you can preview your path. Once happy you save the video.
On the Lumion site the FAQ mentions .avi and mp4 available as video export, I only got an mp4 option and have posted an inquiry on their forum as to why.Here is a quick animation, from a very short time learning the product. I have much still to learn but so far so good.
Nice movie Solo
Small point: the reflection in the windows of the trees looks 'funky'
Have been trying it out myself and so far I'm very pleased. Very easy program with good help options [got a bit stuck with applying the materials
] and the mouse-WASD combo works very well for me since I've played a game or two
[I do understand that the 'older' part of the community might need a bit of time adjusting to it
Tried importing a skp, which went really well. Only negative thing that I can think of right now is that the SKP > DAE conversion seems to ignore cut out components [on the left of the pictures, the windows]:
ps. also can't seem to find the scale option, but I don't see this as a problem. Since everything inside the software is at good scale and the files I use are also.
There is a .skp import option?
I need to understand the glass material, I cut the reflection right down but reflections are still a little dodgy.
I was hoping that I could use my 3Dconnexion explorer but it's not supported, that would make life a whole lot easier.
Well no there is no straight SKP import but it can be done via the collada export in sketchup. I'm going to try other exports tomorrow to see if there are any that keep the cutout components intact.
Yeah, the reflection in the windows looks kinda odd. Did you render the movie at maximum quality, Pete? I understand that certain things, like reflection maps, do not update if you choose a lower quality.
BTW, what GPU do you have and how long did it take to render the video?
It would be cool if they released a 30-day fully functional trial...
I've also tried the demo and from what I understand the demo isn't limited to 30 days. I think they will have a 30 day version with save and a "infinite" demo without save.
My main issue is the feel that I can't control all that I want and can't change the "look".
Though its easy and fun to use, it have a distinctive look that isn't photoreal.
The sky for example.
It does look nice but not great and its not "exchangeable" for a sky box with photos.
How will I be able to make it look different than everybody else?
Also the inability to import animated components (without buying two really expensive software) and the lack of lights (there is only the sun) makes it hard to use for interiors. The quality of the ambient occlusion doesnt look all that great and there is no color bleeding which would really help getting it look more real.
Personally I think these programs need to mature for one or two versions to be what I need. They seem to be rushed to market.
I would also like to see some way of getting it interactive on to the web. Movies are great but I believe interactive visualisation is the future... -
@johnsenior1973 said:
Is this thread an advertisement? I don't care if it is, but if they are throwing you a copy of the program in return for your review then it should have been made clear from the start what was happening.
John, we discussed it (in private) whether Pete should do this and decided that yes, the community would definitely benefit from it. As it is not an advertisement here, you can see from my (sometimes exaggerated and little harsh) comments/questions above, too.
@solo said:
Can we please keep on topic now guys, or is this an exercise in futility?
OK, end of off-topic and sorry Pete for the above remarks but I hope it helps clarify-
Back to topic...
@pixero said:I've also tried the demo and from what I understand the demo isn't limited to 30 days. I think they will have a 30 day version with save and a "infinite" demo without save.
That would make much more sense to me. Without saving, you cannot test a whole bunch of things (I guess not even if you can save your custom materials and such...)
@pixero said:
How will I be able to make it look different than everybody else?
Without custom stuff, it is indeed a question. In my field, I would of course need custom materials/vehicles/people etc. only. I do not really mind the lack of 100% photoreal and distinctive look. It's a bit like those Shrek movies but I like it.
@ecuadorian said:
Yeah, the reflection in the windows looks kinda odd.
@hfm said:
Small point: the reflection in the windows of the trees looks 'funky'
@tridem said:
the specular objects reflect the sky also in interiors...
I guess these glitches will be ironed out in some later, patch release...
@hfm said:
Tried importing a skp, which went really well. Only negative thing that I can think of right now is that the SKP > DAE conversion seems to ignore cut out components [on the left of the pictures, the windows]:
This may also be an import bug (dae should keep the cutting feature of components) but I guess you could work it around by really cutting (intersecting and deletin) those areas for now...
@pixero said:
the lack of lights (there is only the sun) makes it hard to use for interiors
As I understand, interior lighting will come at a certain phase...
Pete, keep up with the experiments and share your experiences here, please.
(And disregard my rants...)
@ Pixero, I understand what you are saying and at moment I also feel that there are limited options for skies and landscapes not to mention the animated objects available. From what I gathered reading the Lumion forum it seems they are very open to suggestions, so who knows these are very early days, they hardly have tutorials available yet so I'm pretty sure that they will be boosting their content and templates soon.
The one issue I do have is creating your own content, besides SU, which is great for any stationary object, the animated stuff is what I'm thinking about. I do not worry about vegetation as I'm sure the user library will grow in time to cover almost anything you could want, however like Csaba was saying what if he needs some period pieces, like plebs and Romans?
I read yesterday that they have a lot planned for future updates, like particle effects, lighting and a wider variety of content.
The one thing about Lumion is it's a lot of fun, I really enjoyed playing around with it.
The movie creation is very easy, anyone who has ever made an animation in SU will pick it up fast. -
@solo said:
The movie creation is very easy, anyone who has ever made an animation in SU will pick it up fast.
Also, as I see, the camera movement is smoother than in SU which (if true) is an additional bonus.
Another quick animation.
Since I wouldn't have the time to evaluate this software, I think this is great.
Would you be able in the end to export the animation file directly to a client in a format that would be easily viewable by them?
What are the file sizes coming in at?
Does the software recognize SketchUp scenes? -
@unknownuser said:
Would you be able in the end to export the animation file directly to a client in a format that would be easily viewable by them?
What are the file sizes coming in at?
Does the software recognize SketchUp scenes?You can export .mp4 and image sequence (the version I have does not have .avi) so I guess with a video editing app you can create just about any video format.
The sizes depend on your export/video resolution settings.No, Lumion does not recognise SU scenes, groups or components, and at moment there is no way to animate SU models.
Your initial feeling on this? I felt it was alot like iClone. But with more advanced enviroment and a very forgiving UI.
Richard, Imagine iClone/Vue lite blend kinda.
These are very early days for Lumion, I do not think that they have a concrete road-map at this moment, judging by what I've read so far it looks like they are going to gauge the market for what heading to take.
At the moment it's a basic app with great potential, the ability to get a result fast is the best part. I'd like to see more options and better control over objects and materials. I'd also like to see things like an internal vegetation editor, maybe a way to create animated movements from base models.
I'm not sure at the moment who this app is geared towards, I'd really hope that it does not go towards the hobbyist with sword wielding nymphs and space adventurers but stay professional and maybe get a boost in the realism department.
This was made in MAX years ago. I hope Lumion enables custom object animation for escalators/elevators, custom animated textures for TV screens, etc., so I can do this kind of thing without the headache that MAX is.