Converting kmz file to zip file
I actually managed to do this once, but failed to write down how I did it, and now I can't do it at all. Today I did manage, once, somehow, to convert it to a zip file, but when I unzip it it just converts it back to a kmz file. I need to be able to see the size of the textures in my model. Could somebody please explain, in a very detailed way (like you are talking to a three year old) exactly, step-by-step, how to do this. Assume I've never actually seen a computer before
Turn on the computer by pushing the power button on the front...
Right click on the file name and choose Rename. Change the extension to .zip. Hit enter. Windows will ask you if you really want to do that. Choose the affirmative answer. Done.
If I went over your head, I could see if I can make pictures for you. Or type it in a larger font.
Gee, could you draw me some pretty pictures? I like bunnies
Actually, as I was reading your reply it occurred to me that I had not changed things to be able to view file extensions. It's fine now.
I'll crawl back in my crib, it's time for my nappy. Thanks. -
I could do bunnies on a pretty pastel blue background and even throw in some yellow chicks.
Oh would you please?? Mommy won't let me draw anymore, something about me eating the crayons
I suppose you drew on the walls, too.
Course not! I drew on my little sister. And the dog, if I was quick.