In the US, children are considered "accidents waiting to happen".:-) The extent of liability extends to parents to the extent of their providing reasonable upbringing, and supervision.
Sigh........Lawyers, almost as bad as Architects.:-)
@ross macintosh said:
@daniel said:
And, even if she is sued, what are they gonna collect, the girl's duplo blocks?
I'd bet if Bill Gates kid's irresponsible behaviour caused any of our dear Moms' deaths we'd all be thinking of suing Master Gates (
) too.
I'm thinking of suing him anyway for putting me through "Undue Duress" and "Illusory Promise"
The children aren't to blame - they are children!
The children's parents are to blame as the failed to educate and supervise their children appropriately - the proof of this is in what they did!
This is exactly as if the parents had kept a viscous dog and had let it roam freely out in public, and it had injured someone - the dog is not to blame it's its owners.
The dog should of course be 'put down' but as of yet this sanction doesn't extend to viscous [or careless] children - but it could/should/might/etc [delete according to your prejudices].
I'm not sure if it still stands, but some years ago in Russia if you had a 14 year-old kid who did a robbery you as the parent would do the jail term just as if you had done the robbery yourself! He's not to blame you are!On a separate note of 'lunacy'... if you visit Saudi Arabia [I assume you might have a moment of madness] and are driving down the road and an Arab drives straight over a red-light and crashes into you, then YOU are to blame - even when it is clearly his fault! The logic is that you are a foreigner and chose to be in the country, and if you had not been there the accident would not have happened... ipso facto YOU are the sole cause of the incident, even if the real fault lies with the Arab
Can't argue with the logic! -
So I wonder if it applies that if you hired a driver In Saudi Arabia, and someone drove through a red light and crashed into your chauffeured car, if it would still be your fault because if you weren't a foreigner who chose to be in the country then the driver wouldn't have been hired and be in that situation, therefore it is your fault (still).
Does this then apply to buses? Plane crashes? (Sorry the logic escapes me) -
Don't know about SA, but in many societies with a substantial Muslim culture, if you hire a driver, you are responsible. Don't think that only applies to foreigners, and if it applies to riding a bus, but subject to one's culture, I don't think it's totally unreasonable. Some cultures believe that Western laws about criminal's rights is wrong. Well, some Westerners believe it too. It's the old story of "living in Rome" that governs.
This is quite intriguing.
In the car goes through red light scenario, lets say it is actually caused because the driver chooses to do something on his cell phone which causes the chain of events. However, since I am still responsible...
Is the actual cause of the accident ever tried to be determined?
I ask: I am responsible because I am a foreigner?
I am responsible because I retained the driver?
If I am responsible because I retained the driver, would I still be responsible if I were not a foreigner.
Am I only not responsible if I am of the nationality of the country?
Would I be responsible if I were of Arab descent, but were a Christian from Syria, or a Copt from Egypt?
Are there any other countries where this is the norm?
Am I getting off topic? -
Saudi Arabia is a monarchy where girls can be forced into marriage at 8 years. Don't hurt your brain trying to find justice or reason there.
Fun little clip.
Long story short ... 'cause the happy few profit. Me thinks.
Love the Shaw quote.
My turn now LOL
from thukydides- history of peloponnesian war
"for the people made their recollection fit in with their sufferings..." -
I hate telemarketers. I really do. The past two days, I received no less than five calls from the same company.
I came up with a fun little way to annoy them, though. I now say: no, I'm not him, but I'll go get him for you. I then put down the phone, and go do the dishes/laundry/whatever.
Just ask them for their home number and tell them you will call them back between dinner and midnight.
That or ask them to come over and take a bath to talk about it. -
You might have heard this before...
I hadn't. Thanks.
@tig said:
You might have heard this before...
las vegas... a couple of drinks.. cute little mexican midget...
Apparently, 'conservative' does mean 'sucking Satan's c*ck 24/7'. I swear I couldn't make this stuff up if I wanted to.
That's like putting Madoff in charge of Federal reserve bank.
... or having Joseph Kony run the school system.