What a job..
ha.. screw that.. i don't think my muscles would function properly at those heights
i saw a tv (that's telly for you brits
)program a couple of years ago in which the antenna at the top needed replaced.. talk about one sketchy operation..
I got vertigo watching that, my arms are even tired for him.
Give me a base jump parachute and a million bucks and I'd still refuse you.
Damn. I could only watch till that box they showed not even at half time.
I honestly thought he was going to jump!
I think I am going to be sick and I have not finished watching it yet...
I know in the US the tops such towers are frequently accessed via helicopters, and the people who work at those heights get paid handsomely.
I have occasional bad days at work, which normally means I messed up a model or render and need to redo it, what's a bad day for him? death?
Worse, you get to the top and forget your tool bag
Ok not worse but it would suck. -
Okay, so you at top and you need the bathroom, what then?
Piss in the wind...
538.88 meters
What the heck do you do when there is lightning?
Lightning gives me the willies!
here's the show i mentioned earlier (not the full episode)
replacing a 7,000 lb antenna on top of a 2000 ft tower (610meters)
I've seen that video of climbing the tower before. I watched it again my my little boy. The palms of my hands are sweating from that.
That was a gut wrenching watch.....
Ouch.,.. I feel dizzy after having watched that video...
@daniel said:
...and the people who work at those heights get paid handsomely.
Not sure what would be enough for me...
Came to think of this image...