[REQ] urgent maple
I read that and installed it accordingly, however it goes on to say you can select that in the plugin menu...where is that in CS5? I do not have anything there called plugins, I have filters and effects but no plugins.
Filter > Richard Rosenman > tiler
Pete the noobie (
) I have Ps CS5 64-bit now, so that plugin doesn't work. I've installed it in XN-view: just put it in a folder called "8bf" and find it under "filters"-->"adobe photoshop plugin". If you have PS 32 bit I assume you can put that in the plugin-->filter folder and find it under "filter" menu.
So where is the plugin menu?
AHA!! so I'm not going mad.
As I said I don't have it in PS, sorry, but could you try under "filter-->other" maybe?
Just fyi, those filters work just fine in Irfanview.
Pete, install it here:
C:\Program Files\Adobe\Photoshop 7.0\Plug-Ins\Filters
You should see it here:
Have you seen Arroways new vaneers? I bought both and they are fantstic
Scott, I have those also, I bought them for this in the hopes they would work, but just not close enough to clients samples.
Damn clients