[REQ]Flat cut dark Cherry
Me again, scrounging for another seamless texture (it's becoming boring I'm sure)
I desperately (read I'm in trouble) need a seamless Cherry, preferably a black cherry but if not I will tone it, however it needs to be large, seamless and have evident cathedralling in grain. (I don't make it easy)
Here is a very small example of something similar to my needs.
I may be at the risk of becoming boring myself, but making a texture seamless can be done in PS with no external plugins, and I believe that the procedure remains the same regardless of the PS version you´re using - http://www.photoshoptextures.com/texture-tutorials/seamless-textures.htm
If SpiralGraphics´ Wood Workshop is not the right tool for this job, I would be very grateful if you could explain its flaws, so I won´t be loosing my time with it any more.
Thanks in advance! -
That's just it, I'm a total noob at photoshop, really, one week with trial version only so I'm still learning the basics.
I have CS5 and it does not have to drop downs that all the seamless tutorials have, or it does but in different places.. I dunno.Trust me is I knew what i was doing and able to get what i needed without asking I would not make requests, but right now I am in a crunch so believe this forum is the best place to come to as it's helped me out everytime in the past, as i have been able to help out also where i could.
I've got a natural cherry panel I could share if it would work. It's made up of real "boards" from the same log. It might not have the cathedral grain you are looking for although real cherry doesn't tend to have much cathedral grain anyway. You can certainly stain it darker as needed.
The image covers an area of 114.25" wide and 102" high. It's about 1800 pixels wide. It's not seamless but it's large enough, it may not need to be.
Dear Solo,
Is this of any use?
The texture was obtained from here: http://www.3d-diva.com/page12a_wood_cont.html
Kind regards,
@ Watkins, let me try that, the grain looks about right, but need to test it over a large flat surface, thanks.
@Dave, that texture is not what i need unfortunately, however it now resides in my wood folder for future use, so thanks.
Let me try explain my recent requests, I do work for a few unnamed furniture manufacturers, my last catalogue involved 86 renders at 4000 x4000 for a 300 dpi printing, my current project is 39 renders at same size. The thing is the furniture is all veneer, so the grain is embellished and traditional Googled images do not match the samples they sent me, which is a 24x24 boards with a high gloss dimpled finish (which is totally impossible to extract a texture from as the glare kills every photo, even by professional photographer...I know as i tried that first and lost $$$)
So, I am resorting to finding something close to what I need, seamless and hopefully it satisfies the client.The real solution would be for the veneer manufacturer to send me the image they used to create the veneer, but apparently that's a no-no as they will never share those images, even with the guy that is trying to make an image to create a catalogue which will feature furniture using their product and them getting money from orders of that veneer containing product...sounds silly to me but that's business I guess.
Pete, I understand.
It sounds to me as if they aren't using real wood but either a laminate or some sort of manufactured veneer. A few weeks ago I saw a thing about a company making wood veneer with some involved process that involves high pressure, glue and heat. The stuff looked nice but not so much like real wood. I also seem to recall a website that does wood grain laminates that had some decent hi res sample images. I'll keep trying to find it.
By the way, I'll be happy to send you the large version of that cherry image or the individual boards. I could send them where I sent the maple yesterday.
Or this one maybe?
Is this good for you? Made it quite seamless, 300 dpi.
Cherry - seamless
A question or two for Massimo and Andre51: Where are you getting your images from? Can you make longer seamless images? There are patterns in the grain that repeat along the length of the grain that wouldn't in reality. I guess it would be alright for synthetic laminates.
This material is 9 feet long. What if you make something this long seamless across the grain? The pattern will still repeat much like slip matched veneer but at least it wouldn't repeat along the length of the grain. Or you could mirror alternating "boards" and get book matched veneer.