Tree Clipping 'white edging' issue
PLs see below render, everytime i render the trees (using the method of adding the alpha image in transperancy) I seem to be getting a weird 'white edging' effect around the trees. Particulary the tree on the far left and on the far right near the garage door. Is there a way to eliminate this within sketchup/vray?
Using Sketchup 7.1 and Vray 1.05.30
Just in case,
Styles>Edit>Face Settings Enable Transparency (ticked) Transparency Quality > NICER
It's probably more related to the resolution of the image and the accuracy at which it was "cut out" originally. It's really a tough fix and one that I typically will cheat post render in photoshop. Typically using a combination of the burn tool and replace color.
Susan tip is great for Sketchup renders, but doesn't help with how Vray is reading the pixel data.
Try setting the image transparency to 98%...sure helps my tree png's.
@tomsdesk said:
Try setting the image transparency to 98%...sure helps my tree png's.
Thanks to you both.
Tom - im at work so I dont have access to my programs. By transparancy do you mean adjusting it within the transparancy option thats next to the diffuse option within the materials editor in Vray? ie sliding it from white into the black by 2%?