OTB Idea #4: Updating (Relinking) model
OTB Idea 4
Chuck: When working in Sketchup, I regularly save a new version of the model every day, or after I make major changes. THis allows me to have a backup of every stage of the evolution of the model. So, let's say that I am using the sept.9 version to set up everything in Layout, as I think this will be the final version. Then the client has me make sweeping changes to a part of the model. At this point , I am stuck in Layout with 10's of pages referencing an out of date model. So, now I have to continually update the Sept 9 model, as well as saving newer versions for my backups, so that everything works in Layout. It would be helpful if I could, for the entire document, choose to update the reference model to a newer version.
Barry: Clarify
Chuck: Maybe I wasn't clear, or maybe I am still not understanding. Let's say I have the entire Layout document referencing a file called 10, with 30 model instances in the document. As I am working in SU, updating my model over the course of weeks, I now, because I save a version quite often, let's say the final model is now 35. My workflow now, in Layout, requires me to keep file 10 consistent with the latest SU model, which is now file 35 so that everything is up to date. What I would like to do is tell Layout to take all of my file 10 model instances, and replace them with model 35 instances. Of course, both SU models would have the exact same scenes, styles, etc. Maybe other users don't continually save out SU models with new names to keep a timeline of progress, but I do, and it is a pain to get that to work with Layout.
Barry: Yes, you can do this. File->Document Setup->References, select your "Model 10.skp" and then the Relink button, and navigate to "Model 35.skp". Should work.
Oh boy, this is huge! I had no idea I could do this already. My workflow just got a little smoother, ahhhhhh.
Works perfectly, thanks Barry!
Nice! I've wanted to do this in the past and didn't realize I could.