Notched Box Plugin
Hi All,
I am try to find a plugin that creates a box where the edged are jointed by notches, any ideas
Mant thanks
@cnc paul said:
Hi All,
I am try to find a plugin that creates a box where the edged are jointed by notches, any ideas
Mant thanks
Have not used this plugin but it maybe worth a look
There is a slot and tab plugin also, which may be helpful.
Are you looking for a more specific solution to generate these boxes?
Do you mean a dovetail joint ? if so, then this is a useful plugin
direct link -
After reading cosycat's reply, I am wondering if CNC Paul is referring to a box joined at the corners with box joints as shown on the left side of this box.
If that is the case, the plugin cosycat mentioned would work. There's a better one albeit not free. See here. To make the box joint instead of a dovetail joint with either plugin, set the angle to 0.
Hi Guys,
Thanks for all your help, I think I need to explain a bit more...The plugin creates a 6 sided box with all edges notched as the picture, it also lays the panels out flat.
They're just wide box joints. The dovetail plugins mentioned would certainly do those notches. As to laying the pieces out flat, I'm not familiar with one that would that part. I assume your next step after alying them out flat is creating the tool paths to make the parts?
@dave r said:
They're just wide box joints. The dovetail plugins mentioned would certainly do those notches. As to laying the pieces out flat, I'm not familiar with one that would that part. I assume your next step after alying them out flat is creating the tool paths to make the parts?
sorry for the long winded reply
Paul, no one could accuse you of being long-winded.
So if you are able to speed up drawing the tabs or box joints, would manually laying the parts out flat be a problem?
Not a plugin, but there is a free software that does generate and lays out the parts for the box. The output is pdf. I did convert their sample pdf to dxf a while back. And imported it into sketchup. One thing to note is that, it's not layed out like you would expect, so hard to figure out when trying to actually assemble the box.
Thanks kyuu, that's a nice little program.
Many thanks for the link, that is perfect.
@dave r said:
Paul, no one could accuse you of being long-winded.
So if you are able to speed up drawing the tabs or box joints, would manually laying the parts out flat be a problem?
No, not really, I just thought it would quicker to output the parts, nest them and the cut the parts.