Join push/pull question
Friends, I'd like to recreate this wheel well in my F1 car using the joint push/pull plugin (the wheel well you see in the picture was created with the "intersect with model" tool, very cumbersome). Everything seems to be going well until I pull the rectangle from the flat, bottom side of my car to the curved, top side of my car. I can't get the rectangle shaped extrusion to make a "hole" through the top of my car. The pull goes through the top of the car but the top of the car remains a clean surface. Can anyone help?
there are ways to force the push/pull through a curved surface using follow-me (shown in the following post..)
why don't you just draw two vertical lines on the side and push/pull sideways instead of up&down..
definitely the easiest way in this exact instance.[edit- of course, i may be fully misunderstanding what you're trying to accomplish here
@csmelville said:
Friends, I'd like to recreate this wheel well in my F1 car using the joint push/pull plugin (the wheel well you see in the picture was created with the "intersect with model" tool, very cumbersome). Everything seems to be going well until I pull the rectangle from the flat, bottom side of my car to the curved, top side of my car. I can't get the rectangle shaped extrusion to make a "hole" through the top of my car. The pull goes through the top of the car but the top of the car remains a clean surface. Can anyone help?
Have not used your plugin but the pp operation is basically planar. If you have two planes but not parallel you can push through but it will not cut a hole. Think will have to go the intersect route
Thanks, Jeff, that's just what I needed. You can tell I'm very new to Sketchup. I used your idea to push pull from left to right instead of bottom to top. I'm interested in viewing the tutorial you "forwarded" me involving a solution using "follow me", but the tutorial wouldn't show up on my computer (even after a Flash Player update).