File size over 10mb
Hi everyone
I've completed a 3d model of my home and I'm trying to upload do Google 3D Warehouse. The problem is that the file size over 10mb (13.6Mb), Is there any way to reduce file size without starting from the beginning?
Thank you
First thing to try is Purge your drawing to remove any unused materials or components.
Window/Model info/Statistics/Purge
Have you purged the SKP [Model Info > Statistics > Purge Unused] ? [edit: Dylan beat me too it!]
Do you still then have lots of very large texture images in some materials? If so then edit the materials, then edit its image files to be smaller and reload them [you will need to set you image editor application in Preferences first]...
Have you used components for all repeating parts - that way only one set of geometry is needed for the definition and all of the instances are merely 'markers' which reduces the file size greatly [e.g. doors and windows can be often added as repeated 'components']...
Also use textures for things like roof surfaces - i.e. use faces with materials to give the pattern [tip: you will need to right-click > Texture to rotate textures to look correct on some such faces] - please don't draw every roof-tile - even as one component repeated it will increase the file size...
If you things with have lots of facets where fewer would do then redrawing those parts is probably the only way to resolve that issue - e.g. a round handrail with 12 or 24 segments in its circular profile will have many edges more edges than needed, when perhaps 6 or 8 would do as when smoothed it will look OK at normal viewing distances. If it's repeated lots of times and has swept corners the extra geometry soon adds up! Don't over detail - there's no need to have complex cross sections to moldings when a simplified version will look as good from normal distances...
Thank you for your replies.
That purge tecnhique worked but it's still 13,3MB
I didn't understood this part:
@tig said:
Have you used components for all repeating parts - that way only one set of geometry is needed for the definition and all of the instances are merely 'markers' which reduces the file size greatly [e.g. doors and windows can be often added as repeated 'components']...
I uploaded my model to the following link : does not have much detail so the problema would be related to the size of the file I use as a texture right?
There's not a lot you can do with it...
You can select the instance of your one component [the 2d figure] and delete it then purge that from the model.
You can then still purge several materials and reduce the file size a bit more... BUT it's not making a massive impact on the file size.
As you surmised the many large images you have used make the file disproportionately large - you only have ~1000 entities [edges and faces] and without textures the file would be tiny.
You can manually go through each material in your set and edit its texture with an external app to say half the resolution [perhaps even a quarter] - the UV mapping should be kept OK. The lesson is never use enormous images as textures when you don't want an enormous SKPPS: My point about using components doesn't really apply here - BUT if you were to adds say the windows, each as separate geometry, it would increase the size again; but adding one or two windows as components and then using many instances of the same things will reduce the file size noticeably...
I guess I'll start again and try to use smaller image files..
Thank you both for all your help
I'll post the final model here in the forum before submitting for consideration
With SU 7, you only need to edit the image file (starting from SU) and when you save the resampled image, SU will instantly reload it (keeping the UV maps correctly).
Just make sure to edit it starting from SU (do not export previously). There is an "Edit texture image" button for each texture next to the reload button under the Edit tab in your material browser ad also in the context menu under the Texture item. This latter one only works for faces (no groups / components / curved surfaces)
This puzzles me a lot the model has hardly any geometry, i managed to get the file size down to 13.3MB thats all. That is a pretty big filem my latest model was only 12MB and for this to be more is very puzzling!
My best guess is that the textures you are using are much higher resolution than they need to be. Have you tried making them smaller and then re-saving your file and checking the size? Apart from this I have no idea I tried my usual tricks but only like you only got to 13.3? good luck and when you find out what was wrong let me know I would be interested to find out!!