SketchUp for Site Design Book/ Trees
I am an experienced Landscape Architect that is going through this book (but already have a decent SUP background) and i have noticed that the 3d trees shown in the book are fantastic, but can't find anything like them online. They have a great feathery and "transparent but full" look to them and are equally full from all angels (reference page 7, 8 if you have the book). My boss is starting to bust my balls that he wants those trees and wants them now... I might be able to make something like them myself with a little help, but deadlines, deadlines, deadlines... you know the drill.
Does anyone know where these trees can be found, or if not what is the method these were created with. I can read into any tree creation method more. Any help is appreciated.
Might be something you like? Also in that site is a place called Tom's Desk which has lots of tree bundles.
Plus Form Fonts has trees
Or 3d warehouse but that's a little hit and miss
If you look through the components subforum here there are some tree for download
The Author Daniel Tal was (and probably still is) a member of this form Here is a link to his introduction post
You could try a PM to him. He spake at the last Basecamp and I'm sure he'd respond. -
Those trees are available in Daniels Model that starts chapter 7. :O)
The 3 D warehouse link above contains the very tree you're seeking from page 9
The trees on Page 8 is from Formfonts named "gentle tree".
Both are my fave trees to use :O)
@arklandesign said:
The trees on Page 8 is from Formfonts named "gentle tree".
That is exactly what i was looking for. To be specific it was "generic tree 7". Thank you all for the input though, this has been the fastest a forum like this has ever turned around an answer for me. Actually many helpful answers. Thanks again.