How create an Master plan using Sketchup?
please how can i create an Mass plan like this
(on the scale of 1/500) with the shadow....thanks to all and too much thanks to every one wich suggest , find my way -
The trick is to import the image as an image. Place it on the ground. Then scale it to the size you want by using the tape mearsure tool and measure something on the image that you know the true length of. Then as soon as you measure it, type the desired length and hit enter. Then SU should ask you if you want to resize the entire model. Click yes. And the model will get resize just how you want. Then just go around and trace all the building footprints and then pull them up. Once you get them up to the desired height, turn on shadows. Look in the Window menu for the "Shadows" Dialog box. Open that up, turn on the shadows and you should be good to go.
I'm amazed how you were able to put that so understandably Chris. I wanted to reply, but figured I'd be rambling on for days. This is good advice maximas.
Thanks Dale. I hope its enough info for a beginner - I sort of skipped over lots of details.
@Maximus - So if it has gaps in the steps, just let me know where you get hung up and I can explain further.
thank you sooo much for the reply
i will try this today...and try to export it on dwg format with shadow -
What? Export it as a dwg with shadows? That is not what is being shown in the image. The image looks to be pure SketchUp. Please clarify what you really are trying to do,
Another trick is draw a rectangle at whished measures 1/1
then when you import your image you have just to adjust this image to this rectangle -
thanks for the replyy , i would like to create an Master plan "scaled" and shaded scale 1/500 for exemple
You should work full-size in Sketchup.
It doesn't "draw to scale".
Set you empty SKP model - Model Info > Units - to say 'meters'.
Import the site-plan image and place it down flat.
Use the Tapemeasure tool and pick two points on this image that you know to be a given distance a part - perhaps a road width or a building-frontage width - let's say it's 30m. The VCB will show a dimension [it won't be 30m unless you are the luckiest guy in the world! but that's not important], immediately type in the correct dimension as 30m and press <enter>, a dialog asks if you want to rescale the model, say 'yes'. Group it and lock the group so you don't accidentally change it. The image is now scaled to the right size, so drawing things over it at their true size will be in the correct relationships/proportions.
Now you can draw over it to add new roads and block-building forms, entering the sizes in meters as you want... Group or make components of these parts so they don't 'stick-together' when moving/rotating...
You can set some scene tabs of 3d perpsectives or 2d plan [no-perspective] etc with shadows on as desired.
Export these as images - you can scale a plan later - once your model is more complete...