Window components
I'm working on a script to get information about the windows a user placed in his Sketchup model.
To do so, I'v made some window models and placed them into the 'Components' folder.
With a Ruby script, I attach the information about the windows by using attributes. Now, I also want my windows to cut a hole in the wall they are placed into, but this doesn't really work.
I've tried to change the behavior of the componentdefinition of my windows with this code:componentdef = Sketchup.active_model.definitions.load path componentdef.behavior.snapto = SnapTo_Vertical componentdef.behavior.cuts_opening = true
But when a user now places an instance of the window component in his model, nothing happens, the wall stays intact and no hole is cut out. I think the component isn't really glued to the face because when i ask all the faces in the model whether they have a component glued to with get_glued_instances, nil is returned.
Is my approach to simplistic? Or does anyone know what I am doing wrong?
Thanks a lot for any help -
Behavior.is2d= said:
The is2d= method is used to set the 2D behavior for a component: whether it can be glued or aligned to a face.
Thanks a lot for your help last time, I've changed my script a bit, but unfortunally, it still doesn't work.
The component doesn't cut a hole in the face it is placed into and it is not placed on the right layer.
I really can't see what is wrong. I am sending you the entire method I wrote to load the window components placed in the components folder into the SU model.def laad_componenten # Define correct path for the csv information file windowcomponents = File.join($components,"Ramen","*.csv") files = Dir.glob(windowcomponents) # String loaded components @loaded_comp = " " # Look for the windows files.each { |file| f =,"r") f.each {|line| line.to_s @data = line.split(';').each { |string| string.strip} } name = @data[0].to_s # Define the path of the SU window path = File.join($components,"Ramen", name+".skp") # Load the component into the current model componentdef = Sketchup.active_model.definitions.load path # Attatch csv information to component using attributes componentdef.set_attribute "info", "naam", naam.to_s componentdef.set_attribute "info", "diktes", @data[1] componentdef.set_attribute "info", "U-waarde", @data[2] componentdef.set_attribute "info", "g-waarde", @data[3] componentdef.set_attribute "info", "kostprijs", @data[4] componentdef.visible = true componentdef.behavior.is2d = true componentdef.behavior.cuts_opening = true # Put component on the right layer windowlayer = $"Ramen") componentdef.layer = windowlayer # Name of loade component in string @loaded_comp = @loaded_comp+naam+" ;" f.close } end @loaded_comp.chop! UI.messagebox "All windows components loaded;"+@loaded_comp end
Hopefully you can help me
thanks -
Did you make the component so it is 'flat' in 3D so that its "up" axis is Y/green ?
OR at least when you 'made' it set its axes thus...
Then it will cut a hole at its Z=0 plane on any face it is glued_to/cuts/is_2d ... -
yes, it works!
I made my windows in the SU components folder in the upright position,
should have done it in the horizontal plane...
thanks a lot tig!!!