Circular Array - Stepped
I have seen a Google video of how do do linear arrays in Sketchup and the method of doing a stepped linear array was shown - Is it possible to do a stepped circular array as say in a circular stair ?
Jonas Mac
Unfortunately not, although itd probably be possible with a plugin or two.
which can do this - there's also a tutorial skp somewhere on how to make a helical [aka spiral] stair... -
Remus /TIG
Thanks for the response -Will check out the plug-in .Jonas Mac
Hi Jonas Mac, hi folks.
For circular stepped arrays, you need to proceed in two steps. Do a radial array and then move each copy up or do a linear array up and rotate each copy.
The first one is, IMHO, a bit easier. To speed things up, group the geometry first. Then make the radial array. Finally, using the Auto Select feature of SU, grab and move each group to final position. To do that you can use a vertical line, divided as needed, and snap each copy of the group to its required height. Ungroup when done.
Another time saver is to use "doubling". For example, doing one copy will yield 2 instances of the object. Copying these 2 will give 4, etc.
For example, if you need 24 instances of an object around a circle with 24 segments, you can double only 3 times to get 2, then 4 and finally 8 instances. Do two final copies of the set of 8 to get 24. This means only 4 copy and 4 move operations. With a circle with 48 segments, it requires only one more copy and move operation.
Just ideas.
Thanks for the ideas , Having tried both methods I am happier using the radial array and then moving the element.
Also doubling as you point out reduces the number of moves where large numbers of repetitions are required.
The Auto Select feature you mention doesnt feature in the help section , how does one invoke it ?Jonas Mac
Hi Jonas, hi folks.
The Autoselect is a feature that is not very well known. It becomes active immediately after selecting the Move Tool or the Rotate Tool. See the help at:
When nothing is selected prior to the selection of any of these tools, the cursor will automatically select objects depending on their definition.
An endpoint will not be really selected but you will get an inference and a snap on it. Then you can click to grab it and move it.
Other objects that will autoselect are:
- lines;
- circles;
- polygons;
- arcs;
- freehand curves;
- faces;
- groups;
- components.
The utility of this feature comes to play when doing a stepped radial array, as you described in your post.
It allows you to shorten the usual sequence of "Select the Select Tool-Select the object-Select the Move Tool-Click to grab the object-Move-Click to position" to a much simpler one.
For this to work, make sure that nothing is selected, then use this sequence: "Select the Move Tool-Grab the object that will autoselect-Move-Click to position". After that first move, there is no need to select the Move Tool again since it will remain selected. The subsequent moves will then resume to "Click to Grab-Move-Click to position.
Just ideas.
Thanks for taking the time to describe the Autoselect feature in such an intelligible way for me and explaining the way it would help in my initial query regarding creating a stepped circular array.
Being able to miss out 2 elements from my current 4 element sequence will certainly allow me to be quicker and more fluent in Sketchup .Thanks again
Jonas Mac