SketchUp OSX always sensitive to keyboard input
Do you have any plugins installed?
Thank you thomthom,
yes, I have many plugin installed...
the last one is V-Ray plugin for SketchUp which I have bought a few days ago (as beta - and yesterday I download the new official release), I don't know if this plug is the reason of bad functionality of SketchUp... but I can't uninstall the plugin!
If I start installer I don't found any uninstaller command... mah! -
I think there was some reports about the OSX version doing something like this. You should be able to find something related in the beta forum section.
As for the uninstaller not working - contact ASGVis support. Remains of the old beta versions might cause all kinds of problems.
AGGHH!... thomthom is the V-Ray plugin!
I have uninstall the plugin (with an expedient... aborting the installer!) and now SketchUp work normally.Damn'...
Any other Mac user have the same problem????
Is it still present with the release version?
As mentioned - there was talk about during the beta in the beta forum. Since you where a beta tester you should be able to access it. Think there might be a workaround. But in any case you should report this to ASGVis.
Yes the problem persist with official release
I'm not a beta tester, I have bought the soft in special offer since is a beta...
can you tell me the link of the beta forum 'cause i don't found it?I hope you are right: "there might be a workaround"
Ah - you pre-ordered. The beta section is only visible to beta testers, so any link won't be any good.
And I can't seem to find the post either....
Carlo, have you tried a permissions repair? Also, are you using 10.5.5? I'd upgrade to 10.5.8 (8 or 9? I can't remember!).
Try that.
@raumplan said:
Any other Mac user have the same problem????
Me too!
V-ray (from yesterday final release) works well but the annoying keyboard input interference when SketchUp is in background, is not ended. (SketchUp Pro 7.1.6859 Eng version over italian localized Mac Os X and permission repaired many times). -
permission repair don't work!!
I have Mac OsX snowleo italian too (but I don't think this is the reason of interference)
We need of urgent repair of this BUG
Found the workaround:
@unknownuser said:
Hi, My problem regarding shortcut keys (when I use them in another program while sketchup is also open in the background) is solved! I was looking in the Universal acces pane in System preferences. There I saw the option "enable access for assistive devices" turned ON. I turned it OFF and gone was my problem!!! Maybe this can help you guys?
@thomthom said:
Found the workaround:
Oh yessss! That was the solution!
Thank you very much, thomthom ! -
I've reported this to ASGVis. This is just a workaround, not a true solution. Someone might want to use that feature.
But glad it worked for you. -
Yup, thomthom beat me to it. The reason it was never fixed, is nobody could ever tell us how to reproduce the issue. It randomly happens on some users machines ::shrugs:: So as soon as we figure out what that problem is, we can look in to fixing it. Until then, screw universal access and the horse it rode in on
Thank you dkeding... I'm happy that ASGVis know the problem and work for resolve it.
Now I understand the events:
One week ago I have bought a very interesting utility called ForeverSave "the first application featuring a revolutionary method to save all your documents you are working on. An advanced backup management offers the opportunity to browse through all of your saved versions".
The bad news is that ForeverSave use UNIVERSAL ACCESS (and switch it on automatically).
So now I can't use the application that can save me from loosing works and prevents from application crash or unintentional overwriting... especially useful with SketchUp!I hope ASGVis solve it soon
raumplan: drop a message to ASGVis support email address and see if you can assist them in reproducing this.
Hey guys, I just checked preferences and also found this box checked (I didn't check it!).
Perhaps this is a bug in Snow Leopard, that it gets switched on after upgrading?
(I don't have either V-ray or that other app)
Tom, you have the same problem with SU catching key events - without V-Ray installed?