@remus said:
@tfdesign said:
...is nowhere as bad as the performance using two displays when running XP.
Off topic, but thats likely due to a slow graphics card rather than any inherent fault in xp.
Works absolutely great on Mac, with BOTH screens going. So is that the graphic card's fault, or just that the ATi XP driver for that particular card (X1600) just happens to be bobbins?
Still cant really blame microsoft if vendors are writing bad drivers for their products.
@remus said:
Still cant really blame microsoft if vendors are writing bad drivers for their products.
I'm not blaming microsoft. I would imagine that the X1600 was designed with a very close relationship between Apple and ATi. It was probably never designed to work with Windows. I would also imagine that there is also a special relationship going on now with NVidia and Apple. I think this is what always trips up the non-Apple users of this community (windows users), as they probably see those same cards as 'not as good' as other cards- ie 'underpowered', when actually, because they are running on a closed system under mac OS X, they behave just as well- if not better in certain situations (like rendering). I know I'm about to get flamed for that last remark, but so far i've found that to be true (I'm a user of both XP and Mac OS X).
@solo said:
@unknownuser said:
I'm a user of both XP and Mac OS X).
Time to upgrade to Windows 7.
Because it works great, and may reduce the negativity you have with MS.
Steve Wozniak gives his opinion of the iPad and the future of the entertainment industry.
@ronanr said:
@tfdesign said:
Google, can we have an iPad version of SU+LO please, to view models, walkthrough models and view presentations?
maybe some dimensioning/measuring capabilities as well...
i usually have a laptop out on the jobsite for doing just that and i'd rather have a $500 tablet getting covered in sawdust instead of $2500 computer..
@solo said:
and may reduce the negativity you have with MS.
My negativity?! What about yours?!
But seriously Pete, I have so much software for Mac, to now use Windows, I would have to start all over again. I'm in my 40's, and have been using Mac's for yonks, both as a designer, a photographer and as a musician. For example, I own the entire Logic Pro suite. It took me the best part of 5 years to work out how to use Logic (including the Environment). Now development for Windows has been dropped, there would be little point in buying into a new DAW (like Cubase for eg), and having to learn the whole shebang all over again.
Another copy of Windows will cost me another Β£170 or so (maybe less as an OEM off the bay?). The only reason I really need Windows is for software like AutoCAD. I'd rather spend that money on some more Apple software- or even an iPad, or another lens, or even buy something for my kids
@unknownuser said:
@ronanr said:
@tfdesign said:
Google, can we have an iPad version of SU+LO please, to view models, walkthrough models and view presentations?
maybe some dimensioning/measuring capabilities as well...
i usually have a laptop out on the jobsite for doing just that and i'd rather have a $500 tablet getting covered in sawdust instead of $2500 computer..
I think it could be nice on a jobsite or to have drawings and pictures on. Many people are now sharing portfolios drawings etc. on laptops or iPhones and the iPad looks much better for this purpose. I'd like to see it usable for site sketching, managing photos direct from a camera, and maybe even linked to a measuring instrument.
I'm just curious which way it will go. Another Newton, or the first version of a new necessity? I don't think many people thought we "needed" an iPod or iTunes so badly 10 years ago. It depends on the "killer app" which may be "iBooks" in the end.
But can you call the "Chief" on it with video link? It needs a wristband.
@mike lucey said:
Steve Wozniak gives his opinion of the iPad and the future of the entertainment industry.
I think he's right. I want to leave my computer at work, not bring it home with me (like I do right now with my laptop). But to have something to curl up with in the evenings while I write stuff on SketchUcation, or some fun interacting with my kids (my youngest loves Autodesk's Sketchpad), or watching a film, or writing email to my dad etc etc, then something like the iPad will be great. I also agree with Jeff, as at the moment, carrying around a laptop, is a risk, especially as it did cost me Β£1100 when I bought it. It's not insured (pretty stupid yes), and I'm really slack when it comes to Time Machine (yes really stupid- but I do back up though). It would be nice if it had a camera- but then again, there are those Wi-Fi SD cards out there....
PS, I do still prefer a 'real' book to a gizmo!
@unknownuser said:
If it ain't broken, don't try to fix it ...
Philip Roth better pray I don't up a pic that has one of his books in it.
He said ominously.
@unknownuser said:
Philip Roth better pray I don't up a pic that has one of his books in it.
He said ominously.
who's that? have any of his books been made into movies that i could watch on an ipad?
The price that buyers pay for the iPad: The device is not as open as a standard PC or Mac. You can only install software from Apple's favor from the App Store. Free programs from the internet will stay outside. That will do to the average user certainly not hurt. But Apple will make money from it. If the iPad actually will be an Everymans computer, Apple is the gatekeeper for all software programmers as well as for book publishers, music providers, media companies and film studios, the iPad users want to sell something. It will be the same with Amazons Kindle.
Have you noticed that the iPad with attached keyboard, bears more than a passing resemblance to the Xerox Parc computer?
(at least with the orientation of the screen. Perhaps this was a wry nod in the direction of the Parc design? A subtle joke from Jony Ive perhaps?
@tfdesign said:
Have you noticed that the iPad with attached keyboard, bears more than a passing resemblance to the Xerox Parc computer?
Actually it's more like the original idea for a tablet from that group -1970 or thereabouts. And a lot like the old Active Book, or Momenta, or (blech) Go (all around 1990), or assorted Windows tablets from a few years ago (2004). Except it has the advantage of being made with the latest advances in cpu/memory/battery and so should be better hardware than the older machines. It has a dual core advanced ARM cpu running at 1GHz. That's more compute power than any laptop had just a few years ago and using less power than some cellphones without big screens. It has (up to) 64Gb of storage, more than most laptops blah-blah-blah. Are people really too lacking in imagination to come up with interesting ways to use something like that? It would make a great ebook reader (duh), a nice photo viewer (duh), a useful in-minivan movie/game player to keep kids quiet, a neat slot-in instrument panel for your car/boat/plane, a really good (and cheaper) house/TV/audio controller and on and on.
And what's with the idiocy about "it's only a big iPod touch"? Are people on this forum - mostly designers - really not aware of the difference in effective functionality that changing size can cause? The bigger screen allows different usage modality to that of the iphone/touch. A still bigger screen - say 30" - would allow still others and would prevent some that are convenient with a 10" screen.
iPad is a better name than "iSlate". "Slate" was already used by Steve Ballmer, when he demoed the new HP Slate. But one thing I don't think many Americans realise (as I found the term is NOT used in the USA) is that in English slang, to 'slate' something is to 'put it down', or belittle it.
Definition of slate in the Idioms Dictionary. slate phrase. What does slate expression mean? Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary.
TheFreeDictionary.com (idioms.thefreedictionary.com)
Actually, it looks like "to slate" is used inAmerica, but not so much any more
So "iSlate" would have been a bad choice anyway?
iPad? "My Pad"?- a tampon? "iJamrag"?!?
......no I don't think so!
And it can't play Flash? Every site on the Internet uses flash in some way small or large. That really seems like just a way to force you into buying a bunch of apps.