Osx : SketchUp wants to access my keychain
Just accept and don't worry about it
No one can access your keychain without your administrator password. Be sure to protect that.
Anyone know how to disable this?
I've tried deleting the keychain entries, but they just show up again when I start SketchUp and it asks for a password.
@drsunglasses said:
Anyone know how to disable this? I've tried deleting the keychain entries, but they just show up again when I start SketchUp and it asks for a password.
What specifically would you like to disable? Are you concerned about SketchUp writing the keys in the first place, the fact that it wants repeated access to your keychain, or the fact that the password prompt keeps appearing?
The interactions that will occur in this circumstance depend on the settings of certain security preferences you have set on your machine, so I just need more details to understand what you're trying to accomplish. For instance, if you have enabled the application firewall, you're going to have to enter a password before SketchUp can access your keychain, whereas there may just be a prompt to ask for approval, or no prompt at all, in various situations.
I will say this to the paranoid among you; SketchUp can only access the keys in your keychain that you provide access to. When the OS displays the warning to say an application wants to see your keychain, it does tell you which keys it wants to see, so that's how you know it isn't doing something fishy behind your back.
The keys SketchUp saves in the keychain are various session IDs that are vital for features that use built-in browser interaction. I can't think of any reason to be concerned about them or want to remove them. I'd like to know what has you concerned...
@andrews said:
What specifically would you like to disable? Are you concerned about SketchUp writing the keys in the first place, the fact that it wants repeated access to your keychain, or the fact that the password prompt keeps appearing?
I'm a sysadmin
and I have a template user profile which runs SketchUp with no keychain password prompt. After the template account is copied to be the system-wide default and I run SketchUp as a user I get this dialog:
Obviously, I'd like no prompt, if possible.
p.s. sorry for all the smilies in my first post... there are just too many good ones on this forum!!
@drsunglasses said:
p.s. sorry for all the smilies in my first post... there are just too many good ones on this forum!!
And have you already seen our SketchUp "smiley's"
(and more - the system only allows 15 in a post)
Hi I am also a system administrator using a template account.
Everytime this program is run it asks for the login keychain.Is there a way to disable it?
I am also a system admin using a template acct. Can someone please help us to disable the login keychain?
@syman97 said:
I am also a system admin using a template acct. Can someone please help us to disable the login keychain?
Sorry, we've been pretty busy around here and haven't been able to look into this. I've sent a message out to the Mac gurus to see if anyone has ideas and can help immediately. Otherwise, unfortunately, it'll still have to sit on the backburner until we can get to it.
My gut feeling is that we may be able to get around it with application signing. We presently distribute SketchUp unsigned. If you, as a sysadmin, were to sign it using self-certified keys, you might be able to get around it. That's just a guess though.
If you look at /Applications/Utilities/Keychain Access, you'll see that there's a "Warehouse Authorization Token". We discussed this when it came out that it wasn't very Mac-like, but it's really the cleanest/easiest way to handle interaction with the warehouse. If this is a huge problem for you, I could file a feature request and link to this thread. Let me know.
For some unfathomable reason the SketchUp coders think this keychain thing is a good idea, it was never there before Google bought them out.
The way I got rid of it was to run the KeyChain Access application in the Utilities folder and look for the 3 SketchUp items in the login keychain. Then double clck on each and change the access control from "confirm before allowing access" to "allow all appllications to access this item". That then gets rid of the prompt.
Of course it makes the items less secure (though I've no idea what these things are trying to store anyway), but short of being able to remove this thing entirely it beats being prompted for 3 passwords every time you launch the application.
This occurs for me as well. Mostly in my lab setting. The problem comes in with the fact that we use LDAP to authenticate users then map it to a local account. The local accounts password is different from the password that the user enters to authenticate based on LDAP. This cause the login.keychain to lock. SU access the login.keychain. At the moment there is not a way to unlock the keychain based on Directory access such as ldap. What this means is that anyone one in a lab setting using a similar authentication method will run into it. It would be nice to be able to turn off SU so it didn't need to access the login keychain. Or an even better solution that I haven't been able to find either is something that either resets or changes the keychain password to match the LDAP Authentication. Just thought it is irritating because student users that login get freaked out when they see dialog boxes that ask for passwords. If you hit cancel 3 times it still allows the program to work so I assume that what ever it is doing is not critical but it help in terms of user experience to have it not happen at all.
I think I've fixed things.... Removing everything in ~/Library/Keychains as the template user seems to do the trick.
ls-mac;~ gccf0$ rm -rf ~/Library/Keychains/*
Before I did that, I removed SketchUp's two login.keychain entries in Keychain Access, but I don't know if that was necessary.
Has anyone been able to get this to work. I just finished building my college wide base image and this is the only application that is giving me an issue. I too create a default user which all new user profiles are built from and users being promp. for a keychain password will not work. If I can not find a fix in the next couple days SketchUp will have to be pulled from the college wide image.
Hello all,
I wanted to post a solution to this problem. The sketchup license does not involve the the keychain... there is no reason to copy that over to your template. The only file you need to copy over to your template is /Users/<username>/Library/Application Support/Google SketchUp 8/Lic#####.skp6lic For assurance I copied the whole /Users/<username>/Library/Application Support/Google SketchUp directory to the template.Thats all you need. Good luck!
I am also having the same problem, and the above fixes do not work. If I use the local admin account on the system, it doesn't ask for the keychain, if I use an ldap authenticated/template account, it does ask for the keychain.
I would love to deploy this application to the mac labs we have on campus, any help would be greatly appreciated.