How to use zeroed prefixed string?
Sorry for the silly question, but I can't find the answer elsewhere:
I have a Dinamic Component with this property:
ItemCode = "ID" & CHOOSE(Index,"002","008","020")
The formula always delete the beginning zeros
(i.e. ItemCode returned value is "2" or "8" or "20")I've tried with some workaround (using X instead of zeros and then substitute) without success, but I understand it depends on how text strings are treathed by SketchUp formulas.
Please note that I've setted the property as TEXT (and not default Text)
How can I specify SketchUp formulas not to delete the preceding zeros ?
I did some experimenting just as you did, and it doesn't appear to be possible to display zero-padded strings. I also don't see any functions that would help.
CHOOSE with OPTIONINDEX() returns INDEX, so it might be of use to you...
Since VALUE(text) converts text to a number make sure there's nothing doing that...
Does #002 work and strip off the # ?