Behavior: shadows_face_sun
Hello everyone!
I have a question about behavior. I am trying to draw a 2d component and have it follow the sun using .shadows_face_sun. I can't seem to make it follow the sun.
Here is some code:shruw = 15 shruh = 20 shr0 = [shruw/2,0,0] shr1 = [-shruw/2,0,0] shr2 = [-shruw/2,0,shruh] shr3 = [shruw/2,0,shruh] point = Geom;;Point3d 0,0,0 transform = Geom;; point trees = model.definitions.add("MyShrub") shrubbie = trees.entities.add_face(shr0, shr1, shr2, shr3) shrubbie.material = "ForestGreen" shrubbie.back_material = "ForestGreen" model.active_entities.add_instance(trees, transform) model.active_view.zoom_extents trees.behavior.shadows_face_sun = true
I've tried a few other things like
behavior = model.definitions[0].behavior beehive = behavior.always_face_camera = true
I think I am using the definition wrong or something when i use behavior.
Any help is greatly appreciated!
Laura -
Have you checked the definition you get when you use
In any case, just use the name if you know it.behavior = model.definitions["MyShrub"].behavior
You are aware that
does not affect the representation of the component instance itself, but only its shadows, right? In other words, the instance will not rotate to follow the sun; only the shadows will change when the sun changes while the instance remains static. -
Think there was a DC that followed the sun...
DCs got it built in:
not sure if it auto updates though...
There are several plugins that get the sun's position [e.g. Jim's suntool.rb].
You need to find it and use it to determine you component's rotation in 3D ?
Could be a DC [sunangle_function.skp etc on 3DWarehouse] or a Component with attached an observer that finds the sun an rotates it to suit - triggered by some event - like a change of the view ? -
@tig said:
...or a Component with attached an observer that finds the sun an rotates it to suit - triggered by some event - like a change of the view ?
or a ShadowInfoObserver
I was talking out the top of my head again...
It turns out that thomthom's first suggestion was the one!
I thought I had tried that, thanks for the posts everyone!Laura