Slicer-excellent ruby
Great! I've been waiting for this one ever since 'Slicer2' !!!
No seriously what does it do,... info ?
what is it doing? sounds a bit like Zorro...
sketchup model slice in parts by x or z or y.
another one
That's pretty fance
good for creating abstract models -
@unknownuser said:
Copyright 2005-2007, TIG
Zorro is Whaat
And not exactly the same -
This one is one my site since October 2007...
oh my god, this is really great! and thanks for the demonstration
just imagine how easy it is to create a terrain model now. simply print out the sliced outlines and cut them out of a foamboard...
thanks a lot. I will definitely find it very useful!
I can't believe what is capable with a free 3D program like sketchup and the amazing scripts people are giving away!
Several years ago I bought Rhino just to do some slice modeling. Wow!
Thanks so much for this great plugin. -
Why is slicer not finishing some of the slices? The shape was made with bezier curve and fredo's cuviloft function then slicer.
@lapx said:
Why is slicer not finishing some of the slices? The shape was made with bezier curve and fredo's cuviloft function then slicer.
I can't be sure without having the SKP itself.
Can you please purge and then post the SKP in question, so I can run some tests on it pre/post Slicing...
If it's 'confidential' then attach it to a PM to me... -
My initial look through this finds no issues with the SKP OR with Slicer itself... BUT it DOES miss out vital edges in some random slices whatever settings I try too - which [at the moment is inexplicable, and] I am looking at
I'll continue looking and report back... any one else who wants to chip in please do... I am currently at a loss............ -
The problem seems to be that the built-in AND API's 'intersect' method fail to intersect a seemingly coplanar face with a cutting plane.
Try this by hand to see that you cannot cut an intersected loop through some faces... the error occurs at a few non-triangulated faces as I show in the image... IF you triangulate the problem facet then the problem doesn't occur
Similarly IF you use my triangulate tool on ALL of the faces [selected inside the object], THEN when using Slice it works fine... therefore it seems a weirdness in the 'intersect' method not taking a quad face as cutting as it is perhaps not quite coplanar in its 4 edges... BUT it is thought coplanar enough to be considered one face when it's NOT triangulated and so it exists and display OK ?????? -
Tig your are a genuis! I'm not familiar with your triagulation tool but I'll look into it.
I hope its as simple as selecting all faces and executing the commandThanks for the help Tig!
Tig again, I must thank you! It worked like a charm.
I have reported the weirdness to the powers that be at Google - it is certainly reproducible although I had never seen it before... Meanwhile the temp fix 'Triangulate Faces' is here for the rest of you...