A Welcome Message to New SketchUcation Members
Hi Henk,
Glad that members could help here. Looking forward to your project and don't be shy - everyone had to start it somewhere.
Hello All in the community.
I would to say that I am ecstatic about this resource and grateful to all those who have answered my questions. Thank you!I have more questions though. I wanted to know what some of the errors mean and if there is a forum already established to discuss the issue?
Example of my load errors:
Error Loading File cracking.rb
undefined methodadd_item' for nil:NilClassError Loading File delaunay.rb undefined method
add_item' for nil:NilClassError Loading File export_points.rb
undefined methodadd_item' for nil:NilClassError Loading File hull.rb undefined method
add_item' for nil:NilClassError Loading File pointify.rb
undefined methodadd_item' for nil:NilClassError Loading File recursive.rb undefined method
add_item' for nil:NilClassError Loading File tooling.rb
No such file to load -- tooling/cracking.rbThanks for your help!
Ruby Forum here...
What is 'cracking.rb' that seems to be causing this error ?
Look in your Plugins Folder... -
am interested in parametric, bim, data, 3d modeling aspects (though aware of su's "fake" curves).
revit arch's massing and site tools are clumsy and erratic.
autocad is... autocad.
so, i guess i'm always looking for something that works better.
and am often working with sites (contours, grading)enough for now.
Hi scrub and jane, and welcome to the forum.
If your interested in parametric stuff be sure to have a look at sketchups dynamic components. Theyre not full BIM but they do go some way towards it.
My name is chunling_hu and I just joined today. -
Hello all,
My name is Micheal and I type this message from a computer @ The Netherlands
was trying the Tutorials (the car) and was doing pretty good
I have a question about the Skin plug in .. from lots of sites there say that there are alot versions of skin.
Do you ppl have a good one ? or do I have to find out myselfalso in the gallery section of this forum I see the following
You do not have the required permissions to view the files attached to this post.
Anything I need to know ?
Welcome to SCF.
You should have no problems viewing images in the gallery section as long as you are logged in, can you try again while logged in and let me know if this still persists?
@solo said:
Welcome to SCF.
You should have no problems viewing images in the gallery section as long as you are logged in, can you try again while logged in and let me know if this still persists?
It worked .. maybe after I typed my Hello mssg
@unknownuser said:
Hello there,
Welcome to this little SketchUp Community we have set up here!
Welcome to this forum for all your beginners questions. You may also have more advanced questions and may post them in the appropriate forum.
If you're not sure if your question is beginner or advanced, then don't worry too much. The world is full of worrisome people already and we want you to get that cozy - de-worried feeling here. So in that case just post it here anyway.I see youre from rotterdam? I just made a model of a building there...You ouht to see it, and see if you recognise it.
Hiya`all, im zakry, new here n still a beginner with sketchup.
I'm Teuf and drawing industrial and logistical buildings.
Thanks for this message boardTeuf
Hi Teuf and welcome to SCF!
I am a new user. I want to add a camera_recorder plugin. I am using Mac 10.5.8
Sketchup 7. I go to the Applications folder to Sketchup, but there are no extra folders other than the allpication. No plugins folder. How do I add the plugin?Rhett
Hi Rhett, and welcome. I wrote the plugin, but I am not familiar with Mac's at all. Though I've never heard anyone say that there was no plugins folder. Perhaps you are in the wrong location? I do not know though, I am very unfamiliar with their inferiorOS. Parhaps someone else who know the Mac system can help?
You also might get a better respone if you ask in the camera_recorder thread. That might get more people's attention who are already familiar with the plugin.
Hey all... I'm a total noob here. I've done some playing around with a 3-d program called anim8or, and had heard of SketchUp on an old tv profile, most likely about the whole autistic user thing (it's been a while since), but only decided to download and try it today.
I'm currently obsessed with some serious modifications of Nerf Maverick guns (trying to make one self-contained semi-auto, using compressed air or CO2), and designing and implementing Steampunk mods to them. I thought I might be able to use SketchUp to 'trial and error' my appearance mods (the Steampunk stuff), but of course that means I need to:
- Learn how to make things in SketchUp
- Learn how to manipulate things in there as well, and
- Make an accurate model of the toy as it exists (pre-mod)
Sadly, I've always found it difficult to learn by going through tutorials (though the starter ones I went through were well done, but I'm impatient
), and generally prefer to dive into a project I actually WANT to do, and then start over as necessary to undo irreparable errors as I learn how to do things... I know, horrible way to learn, eh? But I usually get frustrated with not learning things that ACTUALLY immediately apply to my desired project, just to get to where there might be things I DO need for it... sigh.
So my problem is this: After having figured out that I had to cut the inside hole of a cylinder BEFORE pulling it into 3d, THEN make it into a component, I made the 6 barrels of my maverick, then had a heck of a time getting them even close to the right locations (leading to first question: is there any way to get it to allow me to move to wherever I want the object to be, instead of snapping to axes, object points, random passing dust motes, etc?), once willing to leave them where they lay (including the one that insisted it was aligned with an axis, but was visibly a small amount lower than the others), I then added the secondary cylinder to bind them together as a unit, but this needs to pass through each cylinder... leading to my second question. Is there some way to erase a segment of an arc, without losing the remainder, and thus allowing me to get rid of the parts of the cylinder on the inside of my barrels, while keeping the parts binding the outsides together?
Sorry it's so long, and I'll be happy to edit/move/delete this whole thing, if this is too much for this part of the forum...
Thanks in advance for your patience...
Asuka(P.S. How do I add an avatar to my account? I went to where I THOUGHT my account info et al would be, but couldn't find an option to customize avatar... or anything else for that matter...
Hi Asuka and welcome.
Here is where you can edit your avatar:
http://forums.sketchucation.com/ucp.php?i=profile&mode=avatarAs for your rather specific questions - best would be to ask them in a separate topic (these posts will soon be buried under new members' posts) but first of all, attach some images and maybe even the problematic parts as skp file (below the text area you are writing your post, there is an "Upload attachment" tab). Sometimes it's hard to exactly imagine where you slipped away from the right track
Thanks for the help finding my settings! (^_^)
<Edited by moronic poster>
Sorry for being a dunder head... All I needed to do was hit myself in the head, and go through the basic tuts... sigh. A huge THANK YOU!!! goes out to Erick Lay for his awesome tut on text carved into a cylinder! The 'Intersect Model' was just what I needed. Now I just gotta get everything aligned. I'll leave this forum, and be sure to address future queries in other places. Thanks for your patience, and sorry for being a dork... (T_T)
I am a new user of this forum, and am excited to have such a vast network of SU users to learn from.
That said, I thought I'd ask my first question. I am currently having an issue with the gradient background in my model not always showing up, and sometimes showing up on half the screen. It changes as I orbit around the model (most of the time it just doesn't show up at all). I've attached an example image of the problem. If you look closely, you'll notice that the blue gradient background is not showing up on the right side in this image (there's a hard vertical line where it's cut off. Interestingly enough, I've also found that less of the background shows up the higher the print quality setting. I did a test print on "draft" and the whole background showed up, while a test print on "extra high" showed only a little of the blue gradient background on the left hand side of the image. Any thoughts on how to solve this problem?
Thanks, and I'm looking forward to participating in this forum!