Hidden Section Planes
I made a section plane. Since I wanted to export to Layout and didn't want it showing in all the views, I selected it and checked "Hidden" on the Entity Info pane. It disappeared and the Entity Info ;ane blanked out.
Well, surprise! Now it does not show on my model. I meant to uncheck "Active Section Planes" under Properties to Save on the Scenes pane, that would have given me some control. Now I can't find that section plane or the view it generates.
My question— is there something I'm not getting here, or did I just delete the section plane? If so, wouldn't it make more sense to label the box "Delete What You Just Made"?
View > Hidden Geometry AND check all Layers that it might be on are 'ON'... Zoom Extents... You should now see it - if it's still around !
Whew! Thanks, TIG, Hidden Geometry did it.
I'm new to Section Planes, but hey, here's another thought— looks like they can be used to gain access to hidden spaces for tricky work that would be otherwise tough to do.
@jim57 said:
I'm new to Section Planes, but hey, here's another thought — looks like they can be used to gain access to hidden spaces for tricky work that would be otherwise tough to do.
JImCorrect ! But take care because erasing something in the visible section might affect stuff on the other side of the cut-plane and when you switch the section-cut off you might get a surprise !
You can also temporarily hide a face etc to see through or inside something etc [remember to switch it back on!].
You can also use Xray mode to pick and erase behind faces.
BUT if you structure your model from groups and components then when you edit one of them you can set the viewing so you only see what you are editing and the rest of the model is auto-hidden till you exit the edit - you can also toggle this ability on/off - sometimes seeing the rest is useful for snapping-to etc but often a pain if it obscures things... -
Thanx TIG, I was going crazy with a lost section plane... cheers
Another I that I think has always happened with section planes is that they obscure your model a lot of the "hide rest of model" slider in the model info/components dialog is towards the left. This happens when the section cut itself is outside of the current group I am working on.
It goes from being something like an 80% transparent white surface when the "hide rest of model" slider is at the right, to an 0% transparent grey surface when the "hide rest of model" is at the left.
Of course you can keep the slider at the right, or turn of the section plane, but would be nice to keep it but always have it mostly transparent. Does anyone run into this as an issue, or does it not affect anyone's work?